xii. betrayal

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chapter 12 - betrayal

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chapter 12 - betrayal

As soon as Kota made it back to Trikru, clutching her shoulder from where the arrow hit, she marched right into the Commander's tent that was set up for her to stay in while she was away from Polis.

To her surprise, Lincoln was already in there along with Anya. He was treating her bullet wound as she explained what happened on the bridge to the Commander.

She was so enraged by what occurred at the meeting that she just continued right past them and up to Lexa.

"Do you realize what you've done?!" she shouted rather boldly. "A war will be inevitable now!"

Her voice caught the attention of the others in the room and soon enough Indra stepped directly in front of her.

"Dakoda, I advise you to step back and show some respect to the Commander," she threatened.

Kota glared at her as she walked closer.

"I thought we don't show respect to those who betray us. Aren't you the one that taught me that Indra?"

She raised an eyebrow challengingly, waiting for her reply, and soon enough a sly smirk adorned the older warrior's face.

"How humorous of you to walk into this room asking for respect, yet, you're the one who keeps betraying your people," she spat, narrowing her eyes at the young girl.

"Me?! How dare—"

"That is enough!" Lexa yelled, grabbing their attention. "Dakoda, what Indra speaks of is true. You are the one who betrayed us."

Her words immediately made Kota look around the room in confusion. She wondered how they could think she was the one who betrayed Trikru. While continuing to survey the room, her eyes finally landed on none other than her brother, who glanced over at her but quickly diverted his gaze away, unable to meet her piercing eyes. It was that moment she knew. He must have told them something to make them think such things of her.

"What did you do?" she gritted through her teeth.

"Lincoln did nothing but inform us of one of the obstacles you've come across while on your mission," Lexa continued. "It has been said that you are forming bonds with the enemy and having a bit of trouble deciding what side you are on. Are you telling me his words are false?"

Dakota scoffed and shook her head in bewilderment.

"Heda, I don't know what my brother has stated of me but I never denied being on the side of Trikru. Shouldn't you be proud of the fact that I was able to form such an alliance with one of their people? I was able to gather enough info on them to inform you of all the—"

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➳ 𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘢 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦Where stories live. Discover now