xv. mind games

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chapter 15 - mind games

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chapter 15 - mind games

After Kota filled Niylah in on what had happened the past several days—briefly including the current situation with Raven—the girl was finally able to get ahold of the metal wristband. Quickly, she thanked the woman, before making her way over to the group.

"Niylah said we can work in here." She informed them, placing the wristband on the table. "So, how is this going to help us exactly?"

"Well," Sinclair began. "We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant."

"What does that mean?" Clarke was the one to ask, knowing that the only one who probably understood is scientific talk was Monty.

"A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chip's circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven's own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input and attach of battery." He further explained, leaving Kota more confused than ever.

Being a Grounder meant that technology, and everything that came with it, was something that her knowledge only went so far in. I mean, the most advanced thing her people were familiar with would probably be the flame, but even then, they still didn't fully understand the technological make up behind it. That sole reason was why Dakota just decided to remain quiet and let them figure everything out. She had no idea how they could get that thing out of Raven's head with out killing her in the process.

"Okay, so where do we get an electromagnet?" Clarke asked the engineer, causing him to make a face.

"The Ark." Sinclair sighed, and they all cringed knowingly. "Every station had a pulsed inductive thruster for maneuvering."

Bellamy immediately shook his head. "Arkadia's out of the question. You heard them, it's too dangerous."

"How about we use the dropship?" Monty spoke up, suddenly. "It has PI thrusters just like the Ark."

"Oh, that's good." Sinclair nodded. "Okay, I'll go salvage the magnet."

"Wait, no." The boy quickly stopped him. "You should stay with Raven and figure out how this thing works. I'll take the rover. Be back by the time you finish the device."

"Someone should go with him." Kota stated, making them nod in agreement. "I would, but--"

"I'll go." Octavia volunteered, looking at her assuringly. "You're needed here."

After that, the two of them went to leave the trading post, but before Octavia could walk past, Kota gently grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.

"Please be careful." She whispered, before placing a hand on the brunette's face and quickly pecking her on the forehead.

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