xv. two truths, one lie

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chapter 15 - two truths, one lie

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chapter 15 - two truths, one lie

"While it's true that you were wandering in the woods that day, and an Azgeda warrior did attack you, it wasn't because you wandered into their territory." Lincoln began, as he started telling the story.

"It wasn't?" Dakota questioned, causing him to shake his head.

"No. You were nowhere near the Ice Nation. You only made it a few meters from our village gates," he chuckled at the memory. "But you were so young that it must've seemed like you were running around for a long time. I was scouting the woods that day at my post when I saw you wandering alone. I didn't know what to do because I was only a teenager, but I recognized you immediately and knew that I couldn't leave you unprotected out there."

Kota looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean you recognized me?"

"I, myself, may have been young and naïve at the time, but I knew for certain you were the younger sister of our future Commander. I had seen you numerous times before," he smiled, however, Dakota was at a loss for words.

"What?" She finally managed to whisper disbelievingly.

"That day in the woods, you were attacked by an Azgeda warrior who was spying on our clan. He intended to assassinate your older sister, Lexa, however, he mistook you for her and attempted to kill you instead. The Queen of the Ice Nation believed that Lexa was to be a threat in the future, and truthfully, she wanted the power to rule all twelve clans herself. So, she sent an assassin to murder her before she became the rightful Commander."

"So that means Lexa's my—"

"Your biological sister? Yes," Lincoln clarified, knowing what she was about to ask. 

"I don't believe this," she shook her head, unable to look him in the eyes. "You lied to me about where I came from even after all these years! You said I was orphaned because I had no living family left. That they died in battle. How could you keep this from me?"

"I'm so sorry," he apologized, feeling nothing but guilt. "I know you are mad and you have every right to feel so, but please, let me explain everything first. 

Dakota didn't say anything in return, she only frowned and directed her attention to anything but the man sitting before her. It was too hard to come to terms with such a revelation and seeing him only made the anger, betrayal, and hurt amplify. However, she didn't force him to leave, knowing that she needed to hear what happened. So, Lincoln took that as an indication to continue.

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