iv. the cerberus project

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chapter 4 - the cerberus project

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chapter 4 - the cerberus project

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Female members of Mount Weather had already come in to strip Dakota of her clothing and lock both of her wrists to nearby poles, forcing her arms to spread out like the wings of an eagle. Once they were done, the women left her in a small shower-like room and shut the door, allowing the darkness to immediately elope her. The only source of light available was coming from the red, lit-up "Exit" sign.

Dakota stood both naked and afraid, as she listened to the loud noises coming from beyond the walls of the cold and wet room. She couldn't see anything and so she began to look about the room frantically, waiting for something to happen.

At that moment, a sudden blinding light showed a spotlight on her from above, and she could hear a crackling voice blaring from the overhead speaker.

"Begin the process of decontamination," Dr. Tsing announced.

Dakota had come to learn that, Dr. Tsing, was the name of the same woman who she had previously attacked while in the Reaper tunnels.

The men had ended up blindfolding her once more after that incident, so she wasn't able to see her surroundings when they brought her into the room. She had just assumed that she was somewhere in one of the distant and secure areas of Mount Weather.

Immediately after Dr. Tsing's announcement, Dakota noticed large, black hydro-jets moving upwards from the walls on each side of her. They aimed directly at her exposed body, and instantly shot out boiling water at her.

As soon as the scorching water reached her skin, the grounder girl instantly recoiled and screamed out at the top of her lungs. Normally, if something burned, you would instinctively flinch away from it. However, Dakota was forced to endure the burning liquid because she was unable to escape the restraints keeping her in place.

The burning water endlessly tortured her flesh, and she began to tremble ferociously from the agonizing pain. The jets moved around aimlessly, making sure they hit every nook and cranny of her bruised, scarred, and tattooed body.

What made matters worse, was the fact that the hot steam rising from the water surrounded Dakota in one huge, and smothering white cloud. It caused her to start having trouble breathing due to the miserable combination of both heat and pain.

The jets continued to move about on her body, making sure to rid every possible dirt and germ off of her until she was spotless.

At last, when the boiling water had finally shut off, the grounder girl was surprised to hear the heart-wrenching sobs that had been escaping her lips for the past couple of minutes.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➳ 𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘢 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦Where stories live. Discover now