xii. casualties [part. I]

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chapter 12 - casualties[part

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chapter 12 - casualties
[part. I]

Fire... Smoke...Screams of agony.

Those were only a few of the many things that were currently surrounding the entirety of Tondc. The manes of wild horses burned as the animals themselves ran for their life, fleeing from the scene and leaving embers in their trail. The horses were sadly attempting to run away from flames they could not escape because they had quickly caught onto their luxurious locks.

In the distance, the people of Tondc who had miraculously managed to survive, despite numerous injuries, were still trying desperately to retrieve their lost and wounded ones from fallen rubble.

The people were surely taken off guard by this sudden attack on their home, and they no doubt were wondering how they would ever recover from all of the damages done to the village. However, when all of the smoke had finally cleared, they would soon realize that nothing would even be left of Trikru's village to recover.

Two Days ago...

The reverberating of the ground, and the rippling of nearby puddles, were enough to indicate that the riders from Tondc were passing by as they headed back to Camp Jaha. Clarke and her mother were amongst them, as they all rode on horseback to their destination. What they didn't know, was that two snipers from Mount Weather were assigned to wait for them to cross that specific path. Their mission was to take out the "leaders" of the newly formed alliance, which meant Clarke and Lexa.

As the Mountain Men peered down from the hill that they were perched up on, they noticed that the group of riders was coming to a resting stop, which gave them an advantage in obtaining a perfect headshot of Clarke.

Abby jumped off of her designated horse and walked over to a fresh puddle that was the result of the previous night's downpour of rain.

"Mom, why are we stopping?" the blonde called out, as she dismounted from her horse and made her way over.

"Because," Abby sighed as she scooped up some of the water into her canteen and brought it over to Clarke. "You need to drink too."

"I'm fine," she replied, stubbornly. "We shouldn't have stopped."


"—Mom. I need to get back to that radio to see if Bellamy made contact."

"Listen to me," the chancellor argued back. "I know you don't think that you need my protection anymore. But you do. You have to trust that I still know what's right for us." As a response, Clarke gave a small nod before they both walked back over to the horses.

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