xvi. ascende superius

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chapter 16 - ascende superius

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chapter 16 - ascende superius

Denial and anger. Those were the beginning stages of grief. First, you don't want to accept your loss or losses, and then, you quickly become angry over being deprived of what you lost. There's no time limit for the general duration of each stage, due to grief being an ever-going process that just gets easier to maintain overtime. Still, however, Kota was passing through each of those stages quicker than one would assume, and now, she unknowingly found herself in the next one:


The words and taunts that ALIE put into her head were just enough to push her over the line of anger and into a new area of "what if's".

What if she would have made it to the door where Titus had Clarke at gunpoint, right before Lexa had? Would she have took the bullet instead?

What if she had never even returned to Polis to begin with? Could her sister's ill-fated future have been avoided?

What about her brother's tragic death? Could that have been prevented as well? Should she have been there sooner instead of lingering at Polis?

And what if she had been there sooner? Would that extra help have been beneficial in actually freeing the grounders and coming out unscathed?

Uncontrollable thoughts like these started to plague her mind, tremendously, causing her to feel more guilty and responsible over everything that happened rather than feel angry or sad about it. It was difficult to see beyond the various doubts that formed in her mind, but all she knew for certain was that she would give anything to go back in time and change things.


However, since she was unable to do so, she was more focused on making sure that she didn't make those same mistakes again. Which meant that Dakota would do everything she could to protect the loved ones she still had, and bargain for ways to prevent more emotional pain and future losses.

Unfortunately, it definitely wasn't as easy as it seemed.

After Octavia and Monty returned from the dropship, they had succeeded in removing the A.I chip from Raven, though it wasn't a simple task. The girl continued thrashing around and even tried killing herself due to the mind control ALIE had on her. She began banging her head forcefully on the headboard, and everyone had to hold her down and tightly restrain her. It all finally ended when they used the electro magnets to fry the circuitry of the chip, before Clarke surgically removed the technology from Raven's neck altogether using the technique Titus had done when he removed the flame from Lexa.

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