xiv. no time to die

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chapter 14 - no time to die

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chapter 14 - no time to die

To Octavia, it seemed like the next few hours moved in nothing but slow motion.

She couldn't make sense of what was wrong with the girl she loved. It seemed like just a second ago, she was completely fine. Sure, she had a few cuts and bruises here and there, but everyone had similar wounds because of the explosion.

Well, at least not Clarke and Lexa.

But how could the girl go from walking around seemingly okay, and the next moment she was coughing up blood and losing consciousness? Was it prolonged due to adrenaline? It didn't make sense to the brunette. So now, all Octavia could do was hope and pray, and play her part in the waiting game.


Right after Dakota had collapsed, the others immediately gathered around her in shock. Clarke, being the daughter of a doctor, used her skills to examine the grounder girl and determine what exactly the problem was. Unfortunately, she couldn't find anything wrong with her. She appeared to be stable from the outside appearance, but who knew what could be wrong on the inside?

So, that's what led them to make their next move. Octavia and Lexa quickly picked up the girl by wrapping her arms around their shoulders, before they rushed her back into the gates of Tondc, where Abby was still working on other patients from the missile.

"Mom!" Clarke called out right away, getting her mother's attention. "Something's wrong with Kota! She coughed up blood before losing consciousness. I-I couldn't find anything wrong with her except for a weak pulse."

Abby quickly stopped what she was doing and ushered them to bring the girl into a nearby medical tent that the helpers from Camp Jaha brought with them. Lincoln, of course, caught sight of the scene and hurried to check on his sister as well.

"Lay her down on the table!" Abby ordered the girls, before telling Jackson to wheel the portable ultrasound to the gurney. "Cut off her shirt, I need to examine her myself." Lexa nodded to Indra, who was standing by, and the warrior didn't hesitate to pull out her dagger and tear open Dakota's shirt.

Immediately, the group gasped at the sight of the grounder girl's chest.

It was completely swollen and severely bruised into red and purple hues. Abby instantly placed her hands on the girl's abdomen and felt around for anything alarming. "Her stomach lining is slightly rigid and high in temperature, but her chest is inflamed. Jackson, I'm gonna need that ultrasound now!"

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