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I imagined by now
My life would be...
Completely different

Completely different
Then what it currently looks like

I imagined
A house...
Some sort of animal...
You know... a family

A family
I set out to build
All by my lonesome
You know something to call my own

A child's failed dreams

I had at such an early age

I mean I get it
I'm still young
They all keep telling me
You're in your early twenties

You have time...
Where is this time you speak of

I imagined by now
I'd have that
You know

The American Dream

With a moderately
Sized house
With at least one to two children
To fill it with warmth & love

I feel my...
I feel my biological time clock

Ticking away
My friends are all married
With kids
Or just moving away...

I feel
Unfulfilled and staggered in a way
Unravel me
N' set me free

I want to live...
N' jump

With all that imagination
With all that energy
I want to feel...
I want to feel free again

I want to soar the skies
Climb the mountains of vanilla ice cream
Jump from chocolate cookie
Boat to boat

Not to mention Sail the milky sea

What an imagination
I had...
I was so oblivious
Wondering off in Lala land

All those damn dreams
Came crashing down
Especially... When reality hits
As hard and fast as it did

I'm drowning in a way
These goals I've set for myself
All a tad bit

You came in swiftly
Extending your arm quickly
You saved me

You saved me
N' I was drowning
Head just barely above the water
Mouth gulping water

Like a fish gasping
When pulled from the water
Who would've known
The power you had hidden

One glance from you
The skies cleared
The water drained
The breathe returned to my lungs

Like you had just performed CPR

I was standing
Just as tall
As I had
Before hand

I imagined
I'd be my own hero
Saving myself
From anything ungodly

Like the dark gloom
That looked over us
It was you...
You ignored all the RED flags

You heard me scream
Then started running
In the right direction
Just to save me

You're brave... Strong...
Not to mention
Courageous in every way
Known to man

I mean...
You saw a lost soul
A shattered heart
That needed mending

Then took it upon yourself
To hand pick
Each piece
Making sure to grab every little piece

Then taking time
To gorilla glue
Each piece together
With love

I imagined many things
By this specific  time
In my life
Nothing came close

To you...
You are a dream
Come true
A blessing

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