Forbidden Fruit

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I broke my own heart

Falling for what I thought 

Was in love with you 

I knew this love would be forbidden 

Yet, I stayed on the hunt

N' continued to pursue

The roller coaster ride 

That I now know is you 

This ride has gotten me fucked up

This shit makes me so damn nauseous 

The red flags

What were those?

I mean you talked a good game 

We were good. 

We were great, 

Then bad... then back again.

Where is the woman 

I thought I fell in love with?

I feel like 

She might be locked up somewhere

Frantically screaming 

Hoping to get out

I kept searching your eyes

Looking to find what I knew

Would never come back


Here are your Keys

This ain't for me...

It isn't me

It's definitely you

Let me the fuck off

Of this merry-go-round

My head spinning 

My heart pounding 

I broke my own heart


For your forbidden fruit

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