Do you...

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I want the Thanksgiving dinner
Where our families become
The perfect blend
Of what our love
Has been curating
Over the last year

I'm trying to wear
Matching pjs
On Christmas
Like you see on those
Lame ass Christmas movies
Every time...
This time of year

I want to be the epitome of corny
Making memories
That we can share
With our hijos
In the latter years of life

I want to be so lost in each other
That we forget where we are
While everyone screams around us
Happy New Years

Let the count down begin

All that matters
In every moment
Is that you're in my arms

I want to match your energy
Like the perfect set of accessories
That sets your outfit ablaze

I want to match your effort
So damn effortlessly

I want you to WANT ME like the air
That fills your lungs
But not need me
Like back when kids didn't need tablets
To have fun

I love how you put everyone first
Yet I despise it
Because who's there looking after you?

Butt that's ok,
Cuz I'll put you first
N' I'll show you in every way

I'll be gentle
... I promise

I appreciate the space you give
To allow me
To do me
Sometimes honestly speaking
I'd rather lay with you
N' just stay with you
While we just sit in utter peace

Because let's face it
You're all that I need

I prayed for you
N' boy did god deliver

There were a lot of trials and tribulations
To get to you
I mean I could go down a list
But, I'd rather just talk about us

I mean...
It's deeper than
Combining our families...
I mean
It's deeper than matching pjs,
N' a new years kiss

I'm willing to work for us
Like I'm workin on a slave ship

Im just tryna
Make sure your feelings
Match to mine

I'll make you feel safe
Give you all that you want in a partner
You follow
N' I'll lead us

My arms can be your Safe-haven
I'll hold you
Like you've never been held before

Just be patient with me
Because I'm not perfect
N' I make mistakes
As most do

I don't want you second guessing my love
Or where I stand
Because... I'll stand beside you
Hand in hand

While we break
Generational curses
N' create generational wealth

I want to have Thanksgiving
N' Christmas dinners
With you...

Sooo the question is...
Where do you stand?
Do you want to wear matching pjs with me...
Every time...
This time of year?

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