Zodiac Games

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I found myself alone,
In a battlefield fighting battles,
That weren't mine to fight,
I came unarmed,
Prepared to end all
That wondered in my sight,
Just to protect the peace and mind,
Of a soul that didn't mind,
If I laid myself down and died today,
The end result
Was my soul retreating in pain,
I was found in shambles,
Somehow left off in worst condition,
Then before you came,
I was strong when standing alone,
Now I bite my tongue,
Just to keep from hurting you,
This drives me damn near insane
You are a narcissist
Not to mention controlling as fuck
I longed for love and affection
You gave me
Only what you wanted me to have,
Fuckin trash
You drive sticks in my sand
Cut my limbs off
Where they started
Left me begging
To be heard
Yeah, I wanted you
I wanted you
But it wore off
You are a pit stop
Before I arrive at my final destination
I am fighting
To be the me I know SHE deserves
I am the one you over looked
Now look
Whose tears can fill an ocean
I'd be wrong
If I said cry me a river
I came all dressed up in black
In my finest of silk
To kill all dreams you ever had
Of us going the distance
You didn't deserve me
I'd be a fool
To think you could handle greatness
Kiss my feet
Watch me eat
Then sip wine from the cranium
Of all my enemies
I've won
I have dethroned you
Now I own the thrown
Sit by
N' watch
As I crown a queen
Who is worth my time
Who'll match my greatness times ten
Two hundred and ninety two words
Yet you still don't get the picture
Must I paint
Each stroke
With the richness
Of my own happiness
I know gloating isn't becoming of me
But how else will
You feel each stroke
That I've placed strategically
On this piece of paper
We'll later call a masterpiece
You played me fifty
You wrote me off
Then begged for me to come back
That shits whack
You'll never be
The one who'll hold the master key
To my locked treasure
I'll let that sit
N' fester
I'll post pics of our matching outfits
While we're on the beach
I'm skipping through sand
Holding HER hand
Locking lips
Watch as our hips do dips
While WE dance
I've remained softhearted
Towards you
When you didn't deserve it
You've given me every reason
To walk past you
Like you've never existed
I loved hard
Even after you took me for granted
SHE has been tender
Shown me kindness
Friendship, and compassion
Not to mention loyalty
Like I've never experienced it
SHE'S a nurturer to my soil
SHE has taught me
More in the little time that I've known HER
Then the years
I was with you
You used me
Then sucked me dry
The spirits
Got together with god
Making a list of everything I needed
Then began checking it twice
Out came my better half
The Yin to my yang
Easy going and open minded
SHE can be just as dangerous as water
Don't let that go over your head
If I adjust
Then she follows suit
My heart in human form
My home away from home
Abstract art
Picture perfect triumph
A love that's only
Written for me
I would say fuck you
I think my previous words
Pretty much sums up
How I truly feel
I GUESS this is the end
Of the Zodiac games

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