To My Forever Friend

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I know we're not together
Probably will never be together

With that being said
I can't help but to reminisce
The FaceTime calls
The I can't sleep
I want you to stay on the phone with me

Or how the days turned into nights
N' your voice pushed my character through
Some rough ass times
How I'd just wake up and just crave you

I'll never forget the day I met you
I will forever cherish that moment
Because I gained a amiga de toda la vida

Once the main character
In my story
¿Y ahora qué?

I vigorously flipped through the pages
Reading word for word
A fantastic fairytale
To get a glimpse
Of what the next book would hold

I was madly in love with you
A hopeless romantic and you...
Were my right place at the right time
Una sueño
I could only dream when my eyes were closed
Mi saludo más fácil y mi adiós más difícil

I'm glad you showed up
Keeping my hopes of loving again
With the air you breathed

You were the chapter
I didn't know I needed
Every page kept me hanging
On every word

I write this on today July 12 2023
To you
Folding each page
Highlighting each memory
En la vieja biblia de mi abuela
So I can come back
To reminisce once more
On the many memories
Your character and mine created

It was good

I can't wait to see
The next book,
N' what that May offer

Cheers to my forever friend

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