We Jus Talkin

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How is it
The one thing I ask for
You can never manage to do
You tell me about how
You've hoped on flights
Drove here and there
But when I need you
Where are you?
I'll drop everything
At the dime of a call
Just to be there
I hear a crackle
In your voice
N' I'm problem solving
Trying find the answers
To an equation
That wasn't my problem to fix
Granted you never asked me to
For that I won't fault you
But I did
I do
Because I love you
But where's that love for me?
You left me here
In the pain I never thought you'd cause
Now I'm hurt
Actin different
Here you go
Now you wanna talk
It's different excuses
Every time
But they all sound the same
At the end of the day
I just don't know why
But let you hear disappointment
Then all of a sudden
The phone call has drop
I'll talk to you later
I don't like the way
The disappointment in your voice
Is making me feel
Your voice held me accountable
Now I'm sad
Because you're sad too
Is it so hard to just show up
The way I've been tryna
Show up for you
I've learned intricate details
That no one seem to care to look at
I've given up time
Not to mention sleep
I guess that part don't matter
Cuz I be up anyways
I could be wasting my time
On the woman chasing after me
Yet I'm here chasing after you
I guess my Mova
Wasn't wrong
This is a dog eat dog world
I guess I gotta figure out
Which one ima be to you
Do I lay down
N' allow my chest to ache again
I love the chase but got damn
Cant lie
If it's another one like the last
I might as well just crash
I can't take
Fallin in love again
I can't take
Loving someone so much
That it hurts
I'm tired of being the one to give
Who gon give to me?
It feels like I'm just talkin to talk
Yeah yeah you right
But how do I
Communicate this to you?
I feel like I don't really mean nothing
Specifically to you
I feel like
I've given you attention
N' you sat there
Just choosing to take it
But don't really want it
Because you're lonely
I feel like
You ain't feelin me
Like I'm feelin you
You tell me
How I'm not your girl
Every chance you get to
This ain't the love I imagined
I was so scared of gettin
Back out here
N' it seems
Like my fears are coming true
This just the talkin stage
Damn, if it's like this now...
I wonder how it'd be
A year or two from now
N' I'm all in
Wantin to build a life with you
Am I over thinking it?
I know I tend to
But now... ima sit back
Play my part
You right
I ain't yo girl
Fuck I gotta be loyal for
One egg just left your basket
I wonder if you'll even notice
The time is on the clock
Hope it don't run out
Before you get a chance
To show me who you really are
I might have to
Fuck around
N' love yo ass from a distance

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