Platonic Intimacy Over Anything

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I've heard many definitions
Of Platonic Intimacy
Nothing comes close
To what we have...
While your working
Earnestly tip tap tapping
Away at your laptop
You reach over
Sliding your hand down my neck
Working the stress off of me
Like water off of a rain slicker
Your hand glides onto my back
Your touch...
Fills me up
Like, before I was empty
You rub my tattoos
Like you were moisturizing my soul
That type of intimacy
Just does something to me
We don't have to lock lips
We can just lay up
While our minds intertwine
We hug
I rub your body
While I lay on your chest
With your fingers sprinting
Through my hair
There's nothing wrong
With a little Platonic Intimacy
You know...
The act of making yourself
And physically vulnerable
Trusting someone
Not only with your safety
But also your heart
Being able to possess
just listening from the start
Those long talks
That turn into
Breakthroughs of the soul
A love for each other
That goes beyond sex
A closeness...
That's jumped the borders of friendship
A togetherness
That promotes
A private atmosphere
That's wayyy to warm & super cozy
A love that can almost
Be considered lazy
I wash your hair
And you wash my back
A hug that lingers
Even once our skin
Has lost contact
You know...
Genuine emotion
Someone whose actually caring
Not just about you but your interests
Meaningful conversations
Where we touch on subjects
That hit home
Exploring each other's mental
Having this sense of familiarity
Making each other feel
Like we are each other's home
A soulmate beyond the soul
We got that
Platonic Intimacy
This love over anything

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