Remind Me

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You remind me of you
You remind me
Of childhood memories
Moments that seem
Almost like forever ago
You remind me of you
Bright eyed...
Soul catching... 
Beautiful you
So many words to say
When our paths cross
Yet, nothing can escape my lips
Our vibes...
Do all the talking
While my mind simply
Just takes it all in
You remind me of...
Summer nights as a kid
Staying out late,
Till the street light comes on
Playing hide and seek or Tag
N' my momma yelling
For us to come on in from the porch
You remind me of
Water fights, and cookouts
Saturday morning cartoons
Cleaning on Sundays
Music blaring  while dancing
The aroma of fresh linen
Wafting through the house
The dryer running
Keeping my home warm
Like your hugs
You remind me of you
You remind me
To live in the moment
N' enjoy being present
You remind me...
To breathe
N' make me feel young again
You remind me
Of old love songs
Music being my happy place
Your voice, the melody
I choose to hear
Overall you
Remind me of peace
Which is funny
You are just
A big ball of nerves
Panic first
Overthink later
Mi pequeña mujer
Te amo mi querida
I'll love you forever
In two languages
N' you'll love me in three
You remind me
Of candies
Colorful in sight
Sweet in taste
You remind me of you
You're far from simple
Yet not even close
To being intricate
You remind me most of all
That you love me
N' that...
In itself
Is everything

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