What She Doesn't Know

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My friends said

You talk about this woman a lot

Yeah I Do...

What the hell is she like?
I mean we haven't met her
We've only heard her voice on the phone
As y'all giggling and crackin jokes
We all see she has your heart
In a chokehold
Look at yourself
All giddy with love

A question,
I had never truly thought about aloud
Even though I talked about her often
I couldn't really tell them everything
Just how and what she meant to me

N' how her voice echoed
Through my brain
How her laugh
Rattled my rib cage
N' the thought of being without her

Simply just made me sad
How she made months
Sometimes feel like years
N' at other times seconds
How even when she was correcting me
It still felt like
It was out of pure love
Some things could never be forgotten

If I could
Just put my thoughts into words
I'd say
She's like a summers night walk
N' Humid with a breeze

She could start a fire
With just the touch of her lips
Her mind
Just as ferocious
As her voice
Her spirt
Just as strong as her faith
I mean...

She is truly Devine
What I'd like to call a phenomenal woman
This phenomenal woman
Carries a around a cloud of gloom
From her past
One in which I'd like to

I've never wanted
To take the pain away from someone
Like the way I do this phenomenal woman
She fights her demons
Without armor
No sword to bare
She wears her smile with grace
That grace draws people in
Catches their attention
Then let's them go
For her own protection

She has these dark brown
Almond shaped eyes
That tells you what her smile won't
What most call
The windows into the soul
Breath taking when the sun hits them
She is
Short with a mean ass figure
I'm talkin 5 foot nothing
Hair just as beautiful...
As hair can be
She got these thick thighs
That I want to save my life
She is a woman
Whose gaze turns me
Inside out

I'm talkin
Spontaneously combusting
Into butterflies
That woman is
Not to mention understanding
She is strong

N' one hell of a force to be reckoned with
On her days
Where she feels weak
I feel compelled
To be HER shoulder to lean on
I want to hold her
When I hear the slightest crack in her voice
Wipe away the tears
That swell in her eyes
I mean
She is as soft as puddin

When you meet her...
Don't tell her you know that

She hides behind her humor
N' sometimes
Can get real dark
Yet she doesn't like to burden people
So she rarely ever shows it
She has this laugh
That is so damn cute
It's starts a little quiet
Then rumbles through you
Like gas right before you fart
She's fierce,
Not to mention
This has to be
One of my favorite things
About her

She doesn't need anyone
When she walks past
All heads rolls
Eyes that were once
On something else
Are now on a swivel
Because SHE just walked by

My friends asked me
To tell them about you
So all I could do
Was paint a picture
As beautiful as the real thing

She is sun kissed
Skin just as beautiful
As the day she came out

Eyebrows thick as thieves
Mind on her money
She stays in her bag
Goal oriented
Self motivated
Sometimes self-hating

I mean
She knows she's beautiful
Or at least
I hope she does

Cuz I know for a fact
She likes to hear it
Well at least likes to hear me say it
I mean what woman doesn't
When she's high SHE'S HIGH
As most are
But when she's low

You'll need a knife n' a bucket
To scrape her from the ground
Her cry makes me weak
Something I could do without hearing

I, I...
I love the vulnerability
That she can give
But I hate that
Then she snatches it and runs
Like a kid stealing from a candy store
She gives me these crumbs
Then tells me
She needs more
Or doesn't
Shit can be confusing

But I guess it's a given
When a person who
Loves so strongly
Was hurt
Then broken
N' dragged through the mud

Her wounds
Still raw
I wanna be the one to help her heal
Im quickly realizing
You're not the type
You're a survivor
Far from a victim
Always movin
Foot on gas
So you aren't treading water
I try to tread lightly
My strokes in the water
Deep yet strong
She finds value in family
Not words
Or materialistic things
She's a queen

So to answer your question
She is unlike any woman
I've ever had the pleasure
Of setting eyes upon
I long for her voice
N' the conversation

She sees me
But doesn't know
What love truly is

So she travels the world
Find love within
If you love her
Set her free
Like the butterfly she is

N' one day like a boomerang
She'll be back in your arms
Like she never left

What she doesn't know
Is I love her

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