Twenty Twenty One

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Say love...
I love to watch the way
You put yourself together
The curiosity in my mind
Wants to know
How you come a part
I mean love
I didn't properly
Introduce myself
My name is Dariii,
Just looking at you
Has my heart racing
My chest bouncing
My hands trembling
Is this what it means to be
I mean the slightest smiles
Makes me wound up
I can't imagine
How a kiss would set me free
Who would've known
Eight thousand
Five hundred
N' ninety four days
Into my life
I would've met
The love of a lifetime
A friend
Friend of all friends
Someone I can be completely
Myself with
When you speaks
The worries tend to wash away
Like dirt in the shower
Say love...
How about you and me
Take whatever this is
To the next level
I'm tryna be the reason you smile
Your headache and your peace
Your ace
The person you call
When you're having a bad day
The diary you write in
Confessing all your sins
WRITE in me
Fill my pages with every thing
That is you
Show me how to be gentle
So I can wipe your tears away
Uplift you
N' tell you how beautiful you are
Build this
Pickett fence
A dream of all dreams
A family
I want to be a knight
Shinning in armor
Hand picked
By you
The Queen to your Queen
The thought of
Coming home
N' burring my face in your stomach
Makes my days easier
Yet the essence of it all
Seems far too unreal
Cloud nine if you will
Damn girl I'm scared
Because I know I love you
I just can't bring myself
Back down to earth
To say it
So I wrote it down
Hoping my actions
Are enough to show you
I'll make hell cold for you

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