Dear God Pt .2

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Hey god...
It's me again
I know you made her just for me
Cuz until now
Trying to breathe
Was like trying to inhale through a straw
I'm finally finding my breath
Because of you
The woman of my dreams is my reality
Her body fits perfectly into mine when we hug
An insomniac, I am no longer
For my anxiety
She's my prescription
My drug of choice
N' when she laughs
That laugh of hers
I get so many butterflies
They're fighting to get out
A love like this
A safe place to be myself
N' her to unravel
A kiss that isn't foreign
A touch
That engulfs me
This is love...
Her insecurities
I love...
The way she hides
N' covers her face
When she's fighting these feeling
How's she is the definition of beauty
Even when she feels not the prettiest
Two hundred and ninety two words
Yet I still haven't painted a picture
Worth the beauty she is
She is...
Body out of this world
A voice I could listen to all day
A melody I like humming to when alone
A partner...
I've never been apart of a team
So for this god
I'll take my time
I'll flip through every page of her book
Uncover disasters
Fight off villains
Slay dragons
Whatever she needs

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