Her Essence

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I... wake up in the morning
Sometimes we're in our bedroom
I watch the sleep
Come and go
On your face
Glide on and off your skin
So silky smooth
Like water
Your warm
I'm cold
Then I feel the cold
Of the argument
We had the day before
Land on my chest
Making it hard for me to breathe
I look around this room
But nothing feels like home
Until my eyes land on you
This room isn't mine
This bed feels empty
Without you
I sit with thoughts
So hard
It totes glocks and tech 9's
Pistol whipping
The simpletons
That walk by
I remember my life
Before the hardship
Before who I was,
Was snatched from my arms
Like children are
From families at the border
Then I'm alone again
Memories ring in my ears
Like bells
High pitched noises
Scream in my head
Like the dying
Who were burnt alive
In Auschwitz
N' sometimes
During the day
I pop my AirPods in
Just to escape my reality
Just to feel something
Instead of nothing
Just to forget
But when my eyes
Meet the softest dark brown eyes
I've ever encountered
Your milk and honey
Turn me
Into putty
You mold me into
The woman I need to be today
You chip away
At the exterior I've built
To uncover
My soft inner
The woman in you
Is all the woman I could've asked for
I wonder is it your essence
Because when you kiss me
It feels like our souls
Leaves our bodies
Intertwining with the northern lights
It's the Essence in essence for me
I mean who would've known
Where responding to a text
Could've taken me
I mean
Nothing can break us
We have a tight bond
Around this relationship
I know if I jump
You'll jump too
I know I could steer the ship all alone
But I'd rather do it all alone with you

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