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Let me take you on a journey
First I'll place this blind fold
Over your eyes
Then I'll grab your head
Taking a fist full
Of hair in hand
Tugging, just enough
To hear
A soft moan
Escape from your soft lips
I'll leave
A trail of these...
Wet kisses
Down your body
Right then...
Only then, will I
Allow you
To let your body
Beg for more

My lips will nibble on your hips
Next to your inner thigh
My breathe hot
Against your skin
Your stomach melting
With each graze from my tongue
Your curves the only hills
My mind willing to race  or run
Let me take you on a journey
I'll spread your legs
From one side to the next
N' while I am tasting
Your sweet nectar
I want you
Talk me through

Our next wild journey
Ride my tongue
Like a surfer on the waves
Each wave coming harder than the last  
When you cum
I'll flip you over
From the bed to the floor
It's all or nothing

Let's explore
Right now...
I want you
Like no one else has ever had you
I want it...
To feel like the first time all over again
Can you be Mine?
Can you be the first thing I wake up to
N' the last thing I see
Before I shut my eyes?

Can you disappear with me
Can we become one
N' navigate this life
Like we've traveled this world together before?
Can this be the fairytale ending
My mother used to read to me, before
I laid down and shut my eyes?
A mere thought but now a dream

I can forever hold onto
Something we'd call ours
Just me and you
A love that'll last a lifetime
My person...

You have been designed just for me
A knight
Your Princess charming
I mean...
I figured why not reach out on here...

At the other end of my fingertips
My stomach
A ball of pent up energy
Now we play the waiting game...

Two whole ass days...
Sixteen hours...
N' five minutes
Of the world in complete and utter silence
My chest was in my asshole
I was so damn nervous
I couldn't even respond right away
Couldn't even find the words

Not even a mere thought filled my bubble
If you have time I'd like to get to know you.
You seem like you'd be interesting.
I also think you're beautiful...
No hello... or anything smooth
Hell... I had so many things I could've said
But I couldn't get past
The fact I finally get to know your name!
You melt me like butter
A kiss and all my worries
Are washed away

A love like no other...
Plain and simple
You are my bestfriend and a love
Some would say the best of both worlds
A diary if you will
After a long day at work
I come home to write in you
A bunch of hoopla
Yet you found some way to make sense of it all
Pen in hand
You are more than what I ever could've dreamed of
Can you be mine?
I mean can you be
The air that fills my lungs
Can you be that last drip of water
That quenches my thirst
Can you be...
The only thing that ignites my fire
The only thing that grabs my attention
As I walk past
My muse
N' everything in-between?

I am not asking for perfect
I am just asking you to be you
N' for you to be mine!

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