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As I look Into her eyes
All that I can see
Is the beauty
That surpasses her insides
Over following onto her outer
The mirror she stands in front of
Betrays her
In ways
I'd never
You are sheer perfection
I speak, yet...
My words aren't enough
I keep telling her
Until it becomes
Her Visual
She stares back at me
N' I become breathless
Like the first day
I physically laid eyes on her
It wasn't her physical
That took my breath away
It was the way she moved with grace
She spoke as if
She owned
Every word
That parted from her lips
N' when she looked at me
My whole world
Went up in flames
I could tell
She saw right through me
She saw me
For who I truly was
N' that was something
That terrified me
The walls I've built
As high as the walls
Trump wanted
To use to separate
Us from Mexico
Were cracking
Under the pressure of her voice
When she looked at me
I could never express how I truly felt
Yet now...
I realize
I looked away because
I felt naked
I had no control
Over my heart
Or the future
I was scared of the love
I felt growing inside me for her
N' I was shaken
By the way
Her beautiful brown eyes
Looked back at me
At any moment
The little control I did have
Like a baby
From the sheets they slept upon
That safety
They once felt
The further they were from the warmth
Of their sheets
The butterflies
N' i was there
By HER voice
Why do you look away from me
Whenever I look you in your eyes
My mind
Emptier than starving children's
Stomachs in a hot summers day
Her voice
Like a phone call
Right before someone says
Their final goodbyes
Like the grinch
My heart grew
Three sizes that day
I'll love you beyond
Your struggles, heartache, and flaws
I'll stand beside you
As the road becomes unstable
N' gather the tools
To help build it stronger
I want us
To read each other like braille
Touch my mental
Ever so gentle
Comb through my worries
Pick through the doubts
So we can
Ease each others pain
We agreed upon friends
We shook each others hand vigorously
With the thought it'll be what we need
Like this is exactly what we want
I wouldn't
Have agreed
If I knew how'd I feel
Taking space
I don't regret the space
I knew it was needed
To be a better friend
To the one that I love
Not that you asked
For my thoughts
I just figured I'd share

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