12 | good guy

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12 | good guy


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"So?" The word slips from my tongue so easily, I hadn't even realized I said it until Matteo sighs and tightens his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.

The tension in the car brought me to the brink of insanity and back.

"So what?" He questions, tongue thick with his spanish accent. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I entertain him, rolling my eyes and leaning back in the passenger seat of his Aston Martin, my fingers riding my dress up, "Have I been sleeping with a good guy or a serial killer?"

He rolls his eyes at my attempt at a joke. Damn, I guess no more jokes then. "Would my answer make you stop sleeping with me?"

I purse my lips, having to actually think about my answer. Can't find dick like this any and everywhere. With that in mind, I give him my answer, "Depends on how many women you've killed."

Matteo shakes his head at my words, "If I were a killer, would I be here?"

"That would make you a smart killer." I don't know what's wrong with me trying to justify if this man were to be a killer. "In which case, please don't kill me."

This gains a small chuckle from him as he shifts to steer with only one hand. I swoon as I watch him drive - he just makes everything look so sexy.

"What if I wanted to do more?" His question seems so finite that I spare him a confused glance. Part of me knows what he's asking while the other part tries to avoid any and all conversation about us.

When he doesn't elaborate, I sigh, "Well, you already have a hotel and a restaurant -"

"That's not what I meant, Monique, y tu lo sabes." and you know it.

"Do I?" I tease, fiddling my fingers. When his hand rests on my upper thigh, I know he means business. I exhale and avoid his gaze but allow him to keep his hand on me, "We agreed to just sex."

He scoffs, "I'm well aware of that, Monique. And that's what I was up for at the time, but now..." The conversation steers into a deeper one and I don't even know how to feel about it. I've never met a man so vocal yet so quiet about his desires. "I want more with you."

Looking at him, I allow the word to slip from my mouth, "No."

Suddenly, the car lurches as Matteo pulls to a stop on the shoulder of the road back to the hotel. I scoff, "Is this the part where you kill me?" Some instinct in me knows he's not a killer, but why I'm being so bold tonight, I don't know.

He turns in his seat to face me directly and there's something about his stare that keeps me from looking away from those beautiful brown eyes.

"I want to be able to lay in bed with you after fucking you until you can't walk, I want to set you baths, and sleep in the same fucking bed with you, and take you out on dates, and take you shopping to reimburse you for all the clothes I've ripped and discarded in the trash, and I want to be the man by your side as we go to clubs and restaurants, and I want to be there. I want to be able to fuck you in public and watch as you struggle to talk or move in the presence of other people. I want that."

His words resonate so deeply with me that I'm frozen for a moment. Frozen in my brain, frozen in my seat, frozen in my breathing. I wanted to give in, but reality sets in - I'm his agent. I can't just declare a relationship with my client like it's a regular old Tuesday.

No, but the best you can do is sleep with him.

Fucking hell - I really dug myself into a hole here.

I want to look away and tell him no, and end the conversation right there, but then my mind ventures off into thoughts of what could be between us - a relationship with a man who, so far, cares for my wellbeing.

But, then there's the case of what just went down.

That leaves me with the same question I had earlier, "Are you a good man?"

Matteo scoffs and looks away from me, leaning back in his seat. He clenches his jaw and I know he wants me to change the topic, but I can't. Not in good conscience.

"I'm a better man than he is."

I know he's referring to Santiago.

"And that's all relative, Matteo. I don't know him and I have no intention of knowing him, but I'm asking you to tell me." My voice wavers towards the end, making me slap myself internally.

He scoffs and runs his ringed fingers over his beard, "I have never met a woman as stubborn as you, Ms. Harper."

"What — so women just fall at your feet without question? You ask them to date you after a week of strictly fucking and they just say yes?"

"I wouldn't know," He clicks his tongue, "You're the first woman I'm asking."

I roll my eyes, "I sincerely doubt that."

Matteo nods, "Fine. I'll tell you — I wasn't a good man. I've changed since then."

Scoffing loudly, I turn away, "Says every man ever."

"Soy serio, princesa." I'm serious, princess. He says, confidently, making me believe him — for now. He exhales and puts the car into drive, "I'll give you time to think about it."


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ere matteo comes with another offer lmfaooo - a trueeeeeee businessman

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