*16 | one more question

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16 | one more question

16 | one more question

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"Do you have anything for today?" Monique's voice floats to my ears like a melody. I wouldn't mind her voice being the one to wake me up for the rest of my life. Her finger traces the tattoo on my shoulder as she cuddles into me.

I open my eyes to look at her, "Other than doing you? No, not really."

She rolls her eyes with a snicker before kissing my shoulder bone, "I don't think I can take any more after last night. Felt like you were trying to paralyze me..."

I chuckle and lean forward, peppering her cheeks and forehead with kisses, "You seemed to enjoy it."

"Of course I did." She laughs, "You're the best sex I've ever had."

"Ah," I bury my face into her sweet neck, "I'm flattered." Her naked skin is pressed under mine, my head almost laying on her chest and her arms wrapped around me as if she was scared to let go.

"We didn't talk about everything last night." She mumbles, her hand now running through my hair, soothingly. "About Santiago and how —"

"Shh," I kiss her neck, making her giggle, "Don't say that name in our bed." Our. The word slipped out so easily and so quickly that I could only pray Monique didn't hear me say it.

If she did, she doesn't comment on it or even backtrack, instead holding my head back to kiss her lips rather than her tickle spot.

"Just one more question and I'm done, Teo." She says against my lips, making me groan and pull away, "It's not my business."

I snicker and pull away, propping my elbow up below my pillow so I can look at her, "No offense but you're correct."

She rolls her eyes and smacks my arm, playfully, "I'm just being nosy."

"Yes, you are. Guess it's something I just have to get used to." I smirk. I have no qualms about her asking questions — if we're to proceed in a relationship, I've learned that full discretion is best, "Ask away, bebita."

"You said he-who-shall-not-be-named was no-good," She starts, "You didn't tell me what you meant by that."

Falling back, I rest my head on my pillow and watch as Monique takes her rightful place on my chest. As she runs her finger along my chest tattoo, I sigh, "After I pulled from the project, he tried to turn people against me."

"I'd transferred my funds to more profitable business — this hotel. We were taking off and próspero (successful). That asshole was jealous, gathered a bunch of investors and tried to take over my business."

Monique's eyes widen and brows shoot up, "Damn."

"There were a bunch of legal suits. He was the biggest pain in my ass. Fast forward seven months and I finally got him off my back." I scoff, remembering the stress I had to endure with lawsuits slapping me in my face everywhere I turned. "But, that was two years ago. I've recovered."

"I can see that." She smirks, pressing a kiss to the tattoo she'd been tracing. A pregnant pause passes between us as my hand caresses her lower cheeks, "Did you always want to get into the hotel business?"

I shrug, "I always knew I wanted to be an epresario — start my own business and be good at it. Hotels was the opportunity that presented itself. My dad was an oil tycoon, I saw how happy he was with working for himself and I wanted that for myself. He was my role model — still is."

"What about your mom?"

"She, uh —" I pause and gulp, "She passed away last year. Breast cancer."

Monique's eyes widen as she sits up, holding the sheet to her chest and exposing my left leg to the cold air, "I'm so sorry," She apologizes, softly, "I didn't mean to —"

"It's okay," I assure her, "You didn't know." Searching her eyes, I will her to return to my chest, "What about your parents?"

She huffs, "Divorced and living separately. I haven't talked to either of them since leaving college. The only person I really talk to back home is my younger sister."

"And here I was thinking you were an only child." I chuckle, caressing her forearm with my fingers.

She laughs, "What gives you that impression?"

Looking at her, I wink and smirk, "Your stubbornness."

She scoffs, dramatically, "Alright. Imma take my stubbornness and this pussy and go eat some food."

As she goes to stand, I pull her back into me and kiss her lips, "Uh-uh. Come feed daddy first."

Rolling her eyes with a smile, she shakes her head, "Nope. You lost your chance."

The hand that was on her ass travels over the globes to brush against her soaked pussy lips. I hold back a moan at the feeling of her wetness and bring my hand up to my mouth to lick it off. She watches me, her mouth gaped open in surprise.

"If I lost my chance, why are you dripping all over my thigh, princesa?"

She seems to be frozen, trying to get her gears into motion when she clears her throat, "Now, that's not fair."

I chuckle and switch our positions so I'm hovering over her, "I'm only feeling generous to give you one of two. So, princesa — do you want my mouth or my dick?"

She groans, "That's even less fair." I raise a brow at her, waiting for her answer. Finally, she rolls her eyes and puts her hand on top of my head to push me further down her body, "Might as well feed you."

so we get some ✨BACKSTORY✨  and i was too lazy to write the smut - i might come back later and write it 😭

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so we get some ✨BACKSTORY✨  and i was too lazy to write the smut - i might come back later and write it 😭

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