52 | three days

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52 | three days


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Three days.

It's been three days since I last heard from Matteo. He'd called when he landed but after that, it was like he'd fallen off the face of the earth. No matter how many times I hit his phone, I got no response.

After the first two days, I just decided to stop calling. He'll call when he's ready.

I just hope he's not somewhere in a ditch bleeding out.

"You okay?" Gregory questions as I pull open the fridge for the cheesecake I decided to make myself last night. It's almost finished considering I felt obligated to feed the men stationed outside.

Gregory is sat at the kitchen island, sipping on a bottle of water and watching me carefully. Ever since leaving the hospital, he'd been checking up on me and when I told him that Matteo left the country for business, he accepted my offer to come over.

"I'm fine." I lie. Honestly, I couldn't get any sleep last night. Between the nightmares and the anxiety coming from lack of contact with Teo, I found myself sitting up in bed like that Tiffany Pollard meme.

Greg knows me too well for that to slip past him though, "Did you sleep well last night?" He pauses, "Did you sleep at all?"

I shrug and put the cheesecake on the counter, "It doesn't matter."

He arches a concerned brow, "What are you talking about? You need your rest, Mo. You got —"

"Shot." I finish his sentence with a forced smile on my face, "Yeah, I know. I'm well aware, Greg." I try not to let my annoyance slip into my tone but obviously, that didn't work.

He tilts his head at me, "Talk to me, Monique."

I sigh and begin to cut slices for us both. I don't think Matteo would appreciate me putting his business out there, so I just shake my head, "Let's talk about something else."

Greg shakes his head in disappointment, "Remember when you used to talk to me about stuff?"

Sliding a plate over to him, I arch a brow at him, "The guilt trip? Really? That's how it is?"

He crosses his arms and leans forward, propping his elbows up on the island, "Well, did it work?" I blink, "Then yes, that's how it is."

I release an exaggerated sigh, "Fine. I miss Matteo." I attempt to tell him the problem without actually yelling him the problem.

Greg raises a brow in confusion, "That's it?"

"Mhmm," I hum, leaning forward to shoving a forkful of cake into my mouth. The texture is slightly odd after being in the fridge for a while, but I pay it no mind, "That's it. You wanted me to talk — I talked."

"Barely." Greg chuckles and sips his water.

"I mean," I shrug, "I don't know what you want me to say. We usually sleep in the same bed and I know we haven't even been living together too long, but I just can't fall asleep without him, you know?"

Gregory nods, "I know." He smirks as he glances down, "My wife and I were the same. Whenever I had to go overseas for work, I couldn't sleep without her — especially when we had a large time difference between us."

I pout, "How did you fix it?"

Greg tilts his head and smiles as if reminiscing on the times he spent with his wife, "I would take something of hers with me and she'd go through my closet trying to find the thing that smelled like me most."

I snicker at his words and fork my cake, crushing crumbs under the prong and just playing around with it, "Did it work?"

He shrugs, "As well as it could have."

"Good enough." I joke. "Thank you, Greg, for coming over. I'm sure you have other stuff to do."

He shrugs and purses his lips, "Eh, can't leave you to yourself for too long."

I laugh, "Shut up."

Before I can say much else, my phone rings and the name on it makes my eyes widen. Greg sends me a look, "Are you going to answer?"

Teo ❤️

Part of me held a bit of fear that it's not even him calling - it's someone else calling to report that he's in the hospital or dead.

Don't think like that, Monique.

"Yeah," I say, my hand shaking as I pick it up and press the green button. "Hello?"


My brows furrow at the familiar voice, "Milo?"

i think imma go easy on y'all with the ending - just cause i love y'all and appreciate all your support 🤗

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i think imma go easy on y'all with the ending - just cause i love y'all and appreciate all your support 🤗

why do y'all think milo was the one that called using teo's phone?

alrighty bye now


my communication skills: ✨ nonexistent ✨

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