38 | free food

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38 | free food


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"Do you really not have any other friends?" Cassidy questions as she licks her ice cream off her spoon.

I kiss my teeth as I stir my smoothie with my straw, "Do you want the free food and the free ride or not?"

She shrugs and puts on a mocking tone, "Why have you summoned me, my dear eldest sister?"

Running a hand down my short dress, I tilt my head in thought. I didn't really take her out for any specific reason, but what Matteo asked me this past weekend still lingers on my mind. I guess I just wanted Cass's opinion about it.

"Soooo," I draw out, trying to lead into it, "Matteo asked me to..."

"Marry him?" Cassidy gasps in excitement with her assumption making me roll my eyes, "About damn time! You almost thirty years old and one step away from menopause — it's about time you get married and give me a niece."

I reel back, my jaw gaped open, "Damn, is this what we represent?"

She rolls her eyes and laughs, "Tell me."

"He..." I sigh, "He asked me to move to Spain with him."

She blinks, "Okayyyy — why are you still here then?"

I gasp. She gets on my nerves sometimes, I swear, "I want to say yes, since I'm freelancing and could easily pick up and go but I just wanted to talk to you first in case you need me to stay or..."

"Go, sis." She tilts her head, "I won't stop you. You love this man, right?" I nod and she whistles. "Then go be with him."

I sigh in relief, "Thank God. 'Cause I already said yes."

"Aye," She smirks, "I know you gon' miss me and worry about me but I swear, I'll be fine." I sip my smoothie only to choke on it when Cassidy speaks up again, "When am I gonna meet this handsome Matteo, by the way?"

As if on cue, my phone begins to vibrate from its spot on the table, drawing my eyes to it.

Teo ❤️

What did I do to deserve this?

Before I can move, Cassidy snatches my phone from the table and presses the green button. Lunging forward, I wrestle it from her only for her to jump up from her seat and step back, almost crashing into the man sat behind us.

"Sorry," She mumbles, quickly, before speaking, "Hi, Matteo? Yes, I'm Cassidy, Monique's sister — I'm sure she's told you so much about me —"

Before she can say much else and embarrass me even more, I snatch my phone from her and pinch her arm. She hisses and slaps me away before I sit myself back down.

I can hear Matteo chuckling when I put the phone up to my ear, "Ignore her, she's just having a stroke."

Matteo laughs at my words, "I was calling to invite you out to lunch but since you're out with your sister, how about I treat you both?"

His words make me swoon, Cassidy staring at me with wide eyes and mouthing 'What he say?'.

Ignoring her, I speak into the microphone, "You sure? If not, I can just drop her home and meet you wherever." I laugh, really not wanting Cass to join us.

She has a shocked look on her face when I glance at her. Matteo chuckles over the speaker, "I'm sure, princesa. It's about time I meet my girl's favorite person that's not me."

This makes me chuckle. "Alright. Text me the address."


The conversation amongst the three of us flowed easier than I thought it would. When Cassidy first saw the man that I plan to live with, she'd pinched herself and me to make sure he was real.

Now, we're seated in a lovely diner, munching away at pancakes and waffles and turkey bacon — which I really need to stop eating.

Cassidy clears her throat, trying to recover from the coughing fit she just had from the joke Matteo told of how he walked into a glass door just this morning in a crowd of people.

It's nice to see and hear that he's human just like the rest of us.

Turns out he was conducting free entrepreneurial workshops for college and high school students.

As if he couldn't get any more perfect.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Cassidy finally sobers up enough to say something, "I heard about your sister."

This makes me sneer, a smile growing on Matteo's face as he peeps my reaction.

"Mhmm." He confirms, "She's actually your age."

Cassidy's eyes widen, "Is she now?" At realizing where she's going with this, my eyes widen and I shake my head at her, "Does she look like you?"

Matteo tilts his head, "Uh, well —"

"Is she single?"

"Cass, shut up," I laugh, extending my foot to kick her shin.

Teo chuckles and rests his arm behind me on the top of my side of the booth, "She is one step from prison. I don't know if you're the bad girl type but my sister could use some help before she finds herself in a relationship."

Cass shrugs with a laugh, "Well, give her my number when she's stable. Hmm, if you marry my sister and I marry yours, is that incest?"

"Oh my God," My head falls into my hands at Cassidy's senseless questioning, "Cass, just eat your food, please."

lmfaoaoaoaoa okay imma still try to get the other chapter of slow down out tonight and if i don't — just know i fell asleep 😭

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lmfaoaoaoaoa okay imma still try to get the other chapter of slow down out tonight and if i don't — just know i fell asleep 😭

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