*35 | falling asleep

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35 | falling asleep


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"Keep your eyes on me, princesa." Matteo's words make me shiver.

An experiment is what Matteo called it. I call it — him trying to make me cum as much as I can in an hour of sitting on his beautiful face.

I've been seated for the better part of twelve minutes, my ass cramping and legs falling asleep considering the position I'm in, but whew lemme tell y'all about this man's tongue.

He makes me forget that he has to get ready to go to work in two hours.

"Fuck," I hiss as he lazily drags his tongue along my already sensitive opening. I'd already had two orgasms before he just decided to take his time and eat me like I'm his only meal for the rest of the day.

His eyes are closed and his arms are wrapped around my legs to keep me down, every so often reaching back to slap my ass. With his mouth wide open against my pussy lips and the tip of his nose brushing my clit, I can't help but grab onto his hair and tug him closer into me.

He eats me, hungrily, wet tongue pushing me to another orgasm in a matter of seconds. Just as I close my eyes to savor in the high that he brought me to, he slaps my ass.

"On me." He growls, eyes meeting mine. I nod lazily, my head falling forward as I watch him indulge in me. His brown eyes stare up into me, dark with lust and greed. There's a smack as he takes my clit between his lips and releases, his tongue flicking along my pussy.

And another one.


That pretty much summed up my Thursday morning. Matteo sent in a proxy to work instead and decided to spend the rest of his day with me in my bed. It's been approximately one day since we made up and whew, does it feel like years.

It feels like we never even left off after six months of no contact. Our libido was just the same if not higher than it was before.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder — they didn't say shit about how intense the fucking is afterward.

My legs are propped up as I try to put feeling back into them and Matteo is laid beside me, a tattooed arm thrown over my waist.

He sighs and kisses my temple, "I've been thinking of sending Milena off to boarding school." His words throw me off but I say nothing as I trace the ink on his skin, "She's been caught up in so much shit that it only seems right."

I snicker and turn to him, still completely thrown by how gorgeous this man is — especially laying in bed beside me. I want this to be the rest of my life — waking up beside Matteo Romano.

"Are you sure this isn't about what she did to push us apart?"

Matteo chuckles and buries his face into my pillow, lips pecking my neck, "This is exactly about that. Among other things, but let's not talk about her anymore."

I chuckle as his hold tightens, "You brought her up."

"And now I'm changing the subject." His chuckles sends vibrations throughout my body, making me giggle, "How's freelancing?"

I shrug, nonchalantly, turning to face him. He tucks my headscarf in properly so it isn't loose before cuddling me against his chest.

"It's good. I work for myself and that's all I could ask for." I tell him. "I'm happy."

He smiles, "I'm glad you're happy. You deserve it."

Heat rises to my cheeks before I brush it off.

"How's the restaurant going?"

This makes him grin, "It's going great. You did an amazing job with getting it out there."

I smile and kiss his lips, "That's my job, baby. Only the best for Mr. Romano."

"Hmm, the best?" He teases, the arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, his hand traveling down to the valley between my ass, making me giggle. "What do you have for this weekend?"

I think about it for a moment, "Depends on what day you want to know about."

"Saturday since I go back to Spain on Sunday. We could continue that night in Valencia — except this time, no looming job ultimatums."

This makes me laugh and swing my leg over his bare ones. "I'm free on Saturday. Do you have anything planned?"

He smirks, "Eso es una sorpresa, princesa." That's a surprise, princesa. I roll my eyes when his hand ventures further down to my bare lips.

I push him away, playfully, "My pussy needs a break, shit. You greedy, greedy man."

Chuckling, he shakes his head, "Six months without this beautiful pussy of yours, bebita — what did you expect?"

Chuckling, he shakes his head, "Six months without this beautiful pussy of yours, bebita — what did you expect?"

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the amount of times i fell asleep writing this 😭😭 i might edit it in the morning cause iderk what i typed

also, this lowkey real short but i just wanted to get something out to y'all :))

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