*54 | mr. man

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54 | mr. man


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The party on the beach is raging when I arrive, people scattered along the sand either dancing to the music or lounging around the bar.

Of course, as the woman I am, I head straight for the bar where the bar keeps are preparing orders left and right and handing them out to the patrons.

Spotting an empty stool not too far from the dance floor and not too close to the dark area in the corner, I make my way to it and plop myself down.

I was bold enough to wear such a short dress that I have to keep tugging it every which way to ensure every part of me is covered up.

Which would've been easier if my nipple piercings weren't poking against the thin material

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Which would've been easier if my nipple piercings weren't poking against the thin material.

A woman with the cutest smile approaches me and puts a coaster on the counter in front of me, "Hola, ¿Qué le gustaría beber, señora?" What would you like to drink, ma'am?

With the little bit of Spanish I'd been touching up on for a while, I order, "Tendré una sangría." I will have a sangría.

The bartender nods and pulls the wine from the shelf behind her. I watch patiently as she creates the drink, dropping slices of fruit into the liquid before sliding it over to me. Thanking her with a nod, I lift the glass to my lips, eyes roaming the beach and bar.

My breath hitches at the sight of a beautiful man stood on the other side of the bar. He's dressed in a striped, long sleeve rolled-up shirt and a pair of dark trousers that compliments the package hiding under it.

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