23 | cloud nine

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23 | cloud nine


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For some reason, seeing Matteo interact with his sister kicked me off of the cloud nine he'd put me on since we got together and brought me back to reality.

We just became official and here I am having doubts.

Ugh, I hate my mind.

I could tell that he was itching to touch my skin on the drive back to the hotel from the way he kept shifting his hand that usually situates itself on my thigh. While my body craves his touch, my brain says otherwise to which my body has to follow suit.

As we pull up to the hotel, I'd woken up. By the time we get on the elevator, he's staring at me, pleading for me to say something, do something.

I spare him a glance and press the seven on the pad of numbers. His brow arches at the action, no doubt expecting me to go up to his condo with him.

"Monique..." He trails off, voice wavering with exhaustion. He's been driving all night and having to deal with his personal stuff so I don't blame him for being tired. "What are you doing?"

With his head back against the wall, his hooded eyes follow me as I move back to my spot beside him.

Finally, I open my mouth and speak, "Your sister doesn't like me."

He scoffs as the elevator gets to floor three, "She doesn't like anybody, Mo. It's nothing to lose sleep over. I apologize about her, my love — it seems she's... misguided."

I bow my head and stare at my painted toes. A wave of homesickness unexpectedly washes over me as I imagine myself in my heels and on the way to floor eight of Luxury Travels to get my next assignment.

But, that's how I ended up here, isn't it?

"Teo," I start, turning to face him. His head is leaned back against the wall and his eyes are closed, but he's not asleep. His raised eyebrow and low hum lets me know just that. "Why did you choose me that night?"

He peeks an eye open to look at me and so nonchalantly, says, "I didn't choose you, princesa — you chose me. And for that, I'm forever grateful."

My jaw gaped in surprise. I wasn't expecting that. But, what I got made the falling process speed up in a way I didn't even know was possible.

"I —"

He leans forward slightly and pulls me into his arms, my back against his chest, "I walked into that party, hoping to just get a couple of drinks and head back up to the condo for the night. And then, I saw you at the bar, sipping on a sangria and it felt like you were the only woman there. You were so radiant and even with that pissed look on your face, you were still beautiful. I just took a chance by sending you that note but you chose me, princesa. "

He pauses before saying his final statement, "The choice was always yours."

I turn in his hold and stare up at him, the exhaustion in his gaze highly visible and I wish I could just make him fall asleep against my chest while holding him.

When the elevator dings and opens at seven, I take his hand into mine and lead him out, our intertwined fingers sending shocks down my spine.

The walk to my hotel room is quiet, Matteo trudging behind me. Opening the door, I lead us inside and let out a yawn. I glance at the time on the clock to see that it's 3:16 AM.

Yeah, I'm definitely taking my ass to sleep.

Matteo is way ahead of me as he pulls his turtleneck off and throws it in the corner of the room. Grabbing one of his shirts I stole from my suitcase, I switch it out for the tube top covering my cold nipples. After removing my skirt and putting on a pair of panties, I join Matteo where he's laid under the covers, dressed in nothing but his underpants.

He wraps his arm around me, enveloping me in his scent.

I rest my head on his chest.

It's silent between us. As much as I want to fall right asleep, my brain doesn't allow me to.

"Matteo?" I check.

He hums.

"Your opening is on Saturday."

He hums again, "It is."

I gulp, tracing his tattoos with my finger, "I leave on Sunday."

"I know." He huffs.

"How —" I start, not sure how to say it but I know I have to say it. "How are we going to do this with me on a whole different continent?"

I can feel his chin rest on top of my head before he turns us so I'm laying on my back and his head is on my chest. Immediately, I cradle him and begin to run my hand through his hair.

He kisses my bare collarbone before resting his cheek on my shirt-covered chest.

"I'm going with you, amor."

His words make my eyes widen and actions freeze, "What?"

He doesn't answer. Looking down enough to give myself a double chin, I see that his eyes are closed and he's fast asleep.

I sigh and kiss the top of his head before continuing to run my hand through his hair, "Goodnight, baby." His words slapped me awake and now I'm left alone by my thoughts.

Did this man really just say he's coming with me to America? Guess I didn't have to pack him in my suitcase after all.

It's so sweet and heartwarming what lengths he'll go to to ensure we work out. I sigh. He does so much for me already and I don't know how I could ever repay him for making me smile more in two weeks than I have in three months.

Casting my gaze back down to his head of fluffy hair, I kiss it yet again and whisper a sincere, "Thank you."

a callllllmmmmmm lil chapter before everything goes to hell

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a callllllmmmmmm lil chapter before everything goes to hell

nah im playin 🌚

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