02 | grand palace

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02 | grand palace


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Turns out I was wrong about Laurie.

She's even more annoying after eleven hours of us being in the same space - sorry, twelve hours if you count the layover. I'd hoped for a seat on the plane far away from her, but the tickets Roxanne got us were seated together.

Only thing I was remotely excited about on this plane ride was the fact that I would be at the window seat, getting that view and ignoring the fuck out of Laurie.

Yeah, no.

I made the mistake of letting her enter the plane first and the sneaky bitch took my fucking seat. I had to force myself to breathe before I fuck her shit up and just let it slide. If I let her get to me, it's going to affect my work, and I can't afford that.

I spent most of the plane ride with my arms clasped between my thighs because Laurie wanted to take up the space on the arm bar with her arm.

Just breathe, Mo. It'll all be over soon and we'll be in separate rooms, living separate lives.

Luckily, I remembered to pack my airpods so I stuck to my Jorja Smith/Sinead Harnett vibes for the flight. I couldn't sleep so I made good use of the movies I downloaded on Netflix. Laurie is snoring like a pig beside me - no offense to snorers but I just want to kick her off the plane.

Without a parachute.

By the time we landed, I was ready to hit her over the damn head with my carry-on but I can't sacrifice my laptop for her hard headed ass - as much as I wish I could. With her earphones in, she's humming along to some country song. Don't ask which one, they all sound the same to me.

We're standing in line at customs when her humming enters my personal bubble. Deciding I've had enough, I do what any sane but annoyed person would do - I snatch that shit right out of her ears, "Shut the hell up." I growl.

The car ride to the hotel was, surprisingly, quiet. I feel like I've never known such peace.

She's typing away on her phone while I take in the sights of beautiful Valencia landmarks. Her loss. The Gothic architecture is soothing to the soul, displaying a certain history of the city. Look closely enough and I could imagine what it was like to roam these streets way back when.

Well, I'm black so I don't know how that would work back then.


As we pull into the valet section of the Gran Palacio, I'm reminded of the pictures of the hotel that Roxanne gave to us. They honestly don't do this place justice. Behind the hotel is a bright view of the Mediterranean Sea, the front housing many chairs and pergolas for guests to lounge.

As the sea breeze hits my face, I am brought back to my younger years in Jamaica when we would go to the beach and have the time of our lives. I sigh and shake my head - now is not the time.

Regardless, it's a gorgeous place and I can see why it's doing so well. It's right out of the main part of the city, not a far walk from anything, plus there's swimming. His business must be booming during the summer.

"Well, darlin', you just gon' stand there?" Laurie's grating voice speaks as she grabs her stuff from the trunk.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away from the view and grab my stuff from the taxi driver with a smile and a, "Gracias."

Of course, Laurie and her barbaric self says, "Grassy-ass."

The taxi driver narrows his eyes at her, probably just as annoyed with her as I am. Actually, that's not possible. He can't reach my level.

Inside is just as, if not more beautiful than outside. The architecture consists of arches and pillars with a bit of modernity. Walls of windows make the space brighter and bigger, bringing a satisfied smile to my face. Mr. Romano got some bomb-ass architects.

I push my sunglasses up on my head as we approach the receptionist, her smile bright as she greets us in Spanish.

"¡Hola! ¿Cómo están?" Hello, how are you? She says with a sweet lilt in her voice. She's very pretty, a pair of dimples curved into her rosy cheeks.

"Oh-la, darlin'," Ms. Annoying speaks up, "Y'all speak English round these parts?"

"Alright, Country Bumpkin," I stop her from embarrassing us. Pushing my way in front of her, I send the woman a small smile, "I'm sorry about her, she doesn't get out much. We're booked to stay here. I'm Monique Harper. That is Laurie Hill."

A moment passes in which the receptionist types away on her keyboard, occasionally sending me a sympathetic smile. Yeah, this is what I'm going to be living with for three weeks.

"Okay," I take a quick peek at her name tag — Michelle looks up, "We have you booked for separate rooms. Ms. Harper, you are in suite 608, Ms. Hill, 601. Here are your key fobs," She puts them on the counter in the form of a card. I was still stuck on the part with the suite — I usually get regular hotel rooms. Did Roxanne just decide to splurge this time around? "You are both on the seventh floor and you can take the elevator right there. We can get someone to carry your luggage up —"

"Oh, no, don't worry about it. We got it. Thank you, Michelle." I reassure her. I don't have a lot of stuff but Laurie... damn Laurie. I just want to see her struggle.

Speaking of her, her eyes widen in my direction and her mouth forms an 'o'. And for the first time in a long time, she's speechless.


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OKAY SO i changed the location to spain cause who wouldn't wanna go to spain, ya feel?

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