15 | heartless

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15 | heartless


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My feet move before my mind can. The time it took me to exit the cab and go up ten floors was enough to make me catch my breath. With a box of food in my hand, I'm standing in the elevator, eyes closed, trying to formulate the words in my head.

And then - it opens with a ding.

My eyes dart around the room - should I go in? Should I wait?

Before I can answer my own question, I hear that soothing voice that lets me know I'm not driving myself crazy.

"Monique?" Matteo questions, stepping into focus. He's shirtless and holding a half-full glass of wine, "What are you doing here?"

I pause, breath hitching in my throat as I try to remember why exactly I'm here. Deciding to slowly lead into it, I hold up the bag of food, "I wasn't sure if you ate so I brought extra."

Despite me hoping to stray the conversation from Matteo during dinner, my constant thinking of him did nothing to help. I barely ate, barely listened to Santiago as he spoke... Matteo was the only one on my mind.

He stands there for a moment and I stare at him in return. Finally, he nods and steps aside, holding his glass to his mouth.

I enter the condo and exhale, ending up right in front of him. I look up at him even in my heels and tilt my head only for him to lick his lips.

"I have something to ask you, Matteo." I start, not really sure where I'm headed with this. Maybe I should just shut up and go. Call it a night and eat my shrimp in peace. But no, my stubbornness pushes me to continue, "And it might seem odd and like an invasion of privacy, and for that, I apologize in advance."

"What are you talking about, princesa?" It's like he finally notices my outfit and done up face, "Where are you coming from?"

I shrug and step back, "Dinner with a friend."

He narrows his eyes and watches me as I plop the bag down on his kitchen island a ways away. "Monique..." His eyes scan me as if trying to figure out what I'm hiding.

Of course, it's late, he's tipsy on wine, I'm hungry, and we're alone together. What could go wrong?

"And by friend, you mean?" He questions, diving deeper into the abyss of drama.

Turning around, I pull my heels off and rest them on the ground beside his. He walks closer to me and just stares at me, waiting for an answer.

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