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Schlatt's POV

The uber arrived at (Y/N)'s hotel, I looked down to notice she had fallen asleep against me. I let out a small sigh and slowly unbuckled her, hearing Cooper chuckle. "I guess you're taking her inside, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah. I won't be long." I sighed, unbuckling myself and stepping out of the car, then carefully lifting (Y/N) into my arms. I close the car door with my foot, before heading inside the hotel.

I walked through the lobby and headed into my elevator, leaning over and hitting the button with my elbow. As the doors closed I looked down at (Y/N) and smiled a bit, she looked so peaceful. I felt awful, though, she had warmed up a bit from wearing my hoodie, but was still soaked and freezing.

Soon the elevator door open and I sighed in relief, I stepped out and made my way to her room. Since my hands were full I couldn't really knock, so I just kicked the door a few times hoping Evan would open up.

I waited, and waited, and waited, but there was no answer. I kicked a few times again. Still nothing. Great, he was probably out eating dinner with friends or something like that.

My mind raced a bit as I stared at the door, fuck, I probably looked like some weirdo trying to break into a hotel room.

Then I remembered, of course! This is (Y/N)'s room. She probably had the room key in her wallet.

I looked down at her and thought for a moment, before it hit me.

... which pocket was her wallet in?

There was no way in hell that I would touch her ass. No way. I felt bad for doing it, but I gently nudged her awake.

She stirred a bit but soon yawned and stretched, she stayed close to me. "Hm?.."

"Uhm.. I kinda need your room key.." I said with a small sigh. "We're at your room and Evan isn't here to let us in.." I chuckled.

"Oh.." She muttered and reached into her back pocket, drowsily handing her wallet to me. I sighed and smiled a bit, carefully putting her down on her feet, but keeping my other arm around her. I opened the wallet and grabbed her room key, pressing it against the door before opening it.

I helped her into the room and chuckled soflty, she walked just fine but still stayed close to me. "You should probably get changed, you're still soaked." I suggested.

She gave a small nod and yawned, pulling away from me and heading over to her suitcase. She dug through it for a moment before grabbing a new change of clothes, heading into the bathroom.

The door shut and I smiled a bit, letting out a sigh. I looked over at her bed and slowly sat down, setting her wallet and room key down, before pulling my phone out and beginning to scroll through it.

After a little bit (Y/N) soon stepped out of the bathroom, I looked up at her as she approached me and handed me my hoodie. "Here.." She said softly.

I shook my head and gently pushed it back towards her, before standing up. "Keep it." I chuckled a bit. "You seemed pretty cozy in it. Not to mention, I've got plenty of others."

"Really?" She asked, I gave a small nod and she smiled a bit. She almost immediately slipped the hoodie back on. "Thanks, Schlatt."

"Hey, it's no problem." I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I should get back to the others, they're probably getting annoyed that I'm taking so long."

She gave a small nod, but quickly hugged me and smiled a bit. "I had a great time today.. we definitely have to hang out more during this trip, okay?"

I chuckled and hugged her as well. "Oh, of course. We've got like, what, a week or two left for this trip? We'll definitely hang out more." I chuckled, before leaning down and gently giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Her cheeks turned a bit red and her eyes widened slightly, she remained quiet for a moment before smiling a bit and shoving me. "You better get back to your friends, dummy." She giggled a bit.

"Alright, alright." I smiled and headed towards the door. "I'll see you around, (Y/N)."

"See you around, Schlatt."


Your POV

A few weeks had gone by. Sadly the trip had ended, but during it Schlatt and I grew a lot closer. It was sad to have to leave, but since we both got home we've called each other almost every night.

It was getting pretty late so I decided to do a small stream, maybe to play a game and just talk with my chat for a while. I loaded minecraft up and turned my facecam on, before starting the stream and smiling.

"Hello, chat! How is everyone?" I asked as I headed into a mineshaft near my house, I wasn't on a server or anything like that, just a small minecraft world I played on by myself. Occasionally friends would join here and there, but only usually if I was on.

Chat began to flood in, mainly saying their hellos and just making other random comments. "I don't know how long I'll stream for, I was just bored and figured I could talk to you guys for a bit."

After a while of talking and mining, I soon heard my discord call sound go off. It caused me to jump a bit, but I soon smiled and sighed, realizing it was Schlatt. "Hold on, Chat." I said quickly before muting my stream and turning to my 'be right back' screen, before opening discord and answering the call.

"What's up, Schlatt?" I asked with a small smile.

"Hey!" He snickered a bit. "You busy?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm streaming. Not that you'd know, though, since you're hardly ever on twitch." I teased.

"Oh, fuck off." He chuckled. "Can they hear me right now?"

"No, I have my stream muted. Is something wrong?"

"Nahh, just wanted to ask you something. I can whenever you're done with the stream, though." He chuckled. "Wait, are you playing minecraft?"

I nodded and checked my chat for a moment, seeing almost all of them questioning where I went. "Yeah, I am, actually."

"You want me to join? Imagine how crazy you chat'll go if they see me there." He suggested.

"Oh, come on, don't get ahead of yourself." I smiled a bit. "But sure, I don't see why not. I'll send you the ip address."

After sending him the address I quickly got back to my stream, quickly turning everything back on. "Ahh! Sorry, Chat!" I giggled. "I had a call." I hummed.

I quickly began to head back to my house, immediately heading inside and putting some of the resources I gathered into a chest. "Oh, also, I may have a friend joining us this stream." Not soon after I said that, the Minecraft chatbox popped up, reading the following:

Jschlatt has joined the game.

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now