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Your POV

Schlatt froze, before immediately nodding and putting the gun away. "He called the fucking cops? Why? We can handle this." He said with a huff.

"Schlatt, you're hurt. The last thing we need if someone else getting hurt because we let him go." I hugged onto his arm.

He rolled his eyes a bit. "I'm fine, (Y/N). It's not that bad."

I let out a sigh and carefully touched the cut on his forehead, showing him how much blood got on my hand as a result. His eyes widened a bit. ".. Oh, shit. It's that bad?"

"You literally just saw how bad it was- you know what, nevermind." I shook my head a bit, before glancing back over at Danny.

While Schlatt and I were talking Danny had began to back away, and as soon as he met my gaze he immediately began to run.

"Wait, he's-" Before I could even finish I was cut off by Schlatt immediately running after him as fast as he could. I could tell he was tempted himself not to grab the gun again.

Once he got close enough he immediately tackled Danny to the ground with a huff. "You're not going anywhere, Asshole!"

Danny huffed and spat at him. "Let me go! I swear I'll leave and you two will never hear from me again!!"

At this point I was already rushing over to the two, but before I could really get there I could hear sirens in the distance. I bit my tongue and looked back, seeing Evan's car quickly pull in, followed by about three cop cars and an ambulance.

Evan was the first to get out, he rushed over and hugged me. "(Y/N)! Fucking hell, are you okay?!" He asked pulled back, immediately looking me up and down. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Danny did, a little bit.. Schlatt is way more hurt than I am, though.." I said with a sigh, looking over as a few cops rushed over to pull Danny and Schlatt away from each other, while two more headed over to us.

It didn't take long before I was explaining what was going on, how Danny had followed us and tried to put up a fight, and they pretty much believed it, considering the condition Schlatt was in.

They put Danny in cuffs and in the back of a cop car considering he wasn't too damaged by the fight, Schlatt on the other hand was led straight to the ambulance to get fixed up.

After Evan talked to me a bit more and made sure I was okay, we headed over to the ambulance to see how Schlatt was doing. They were mainly fixing the cut on his forehead first, since there was quite a lot of blood gushing from it.

When they finished with his forehead Schlatt turned to look at us. I stepped up and sat down, not knowing if I was allowed to get close yet since the paramedic was still fixing him up. "How are you feeling, Schlatt?.." I asked softly.

"Did I.. did I win?" Schlatt asked a bit tiredly, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Yes, Schlatt. You won." I shook my head a bit.

Schlatt immediately smirked and leaned back a bit as the paramedic began to fix up his other wounds. "Hell yeah! In your face, asshole! Big Guy 1, asshole 0!"

I shook my head a bit, "No more fights, got it?" I said with a sigh. "And as soon as we get home, you're getting some rest."

Hearing that made Schlatt let out a groan of annoyance, he crossed his arms. "Fuck."

Finally after what felt like forever the paramedics finished up, when everything was sorted out we headed to Evan's car, he sat down in the driver's seat while Schlatt and I sat in the back.

"You two are lucky I was in the area, I feel like if we were any more late things would have been worse." Evan said with a sigh, as he buckled up and started driving.

Silence filled the car once Evan finished speaking, it was pretty obvious we weren't really wanting to conversate at the moment.

As we drove for a while Schlatt eventually laid his head back and fell asleep, though it didn't take long before his head was resting on my shoulder. I did my best to stay still, he needed the rest, I would feel awful if I disturbed him.

Arriving home felt so relieving, I didn't hesitate to wake Schlatt up once we pulled into the driveway. He was still a bit drowsy but still managed to get out of the car and head inside. With my help, of course. Evan followed behind us, since I had my own key to the house he didn't rush in front to unlock it.

We headed inside and went straight to my room, Schlatt didn't hesitate to slip his shoes off and immediately climb into my bed, I let out a sigh as I slowly followed him.

"Do you at least want some water or some-" I cut myself off realizing he had already fallen back asleep, I let out a small sigh and smiled a bit, before slowly pulling the blanket over him and gently kissing his cheek. He was honestly unphased by it, most likely from how exhausted he was.

While he slept I quietly left the room for a moment, mainly just grabbing a little snack. We didn't really get to eat our dinner so I still felt pretty hungry.

I just made a sandwich and ate that while leaning against the counter, Evan had already headed back to his room so I just stood there in silence.

Once I finished I headed back to my room, changing clothes before walking back over, seeing Bongo had curled up in Schlatt's arms. It make me smile seeing the tiny cat sleeping and purring peacefully, I was also glad that he had warmed up to Schlatt.

After admiring the two for a moment I walked to the other side and climbed in bed, curling up under the blanket, snuggling next to Schlatt. It didn't take too long before I slowly fell asleep as well.

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now