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The final, FINAL chapter.


Your POV

15 minutes.

It all begins in 15 minutes.

To be completely honest, I was a nervous wreck. The only thing I could do at the moment was sit in my dressing room, taking deep breath and trying not not freak out more than I already was.

I hadn't seen Schlatt at all. Not since he left the hotel a few hours earlier. I hadn't even gotten any texts or calls from him.

Hopefully he was doing good. Maybe he was handling this better than me.


Schlatt's POV

I was freaking the fuck out.

Taking a break from greeting a bunch of the guests, I sat in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror.

Did I look good enough?

Hell, this suit probably costed more than my entire channel. It had to look good.

Splashing some water on my face, I huffed, trying to hype myself up.

"You got this, Big Guy." I muttered under my breath. "You're gonna get up there and you're gonna marry that hot bitch-"

My little pep-talk was interrupted when the bathroom door opened slightly, both Ted and Charlie stepping inside.

"You alright Schlatt?" Ted ask with a bit of concern. "We both saw you just barge in here-"

Charlie nodded in agreement. "You didn't look too good, man. You still don't-" He said with a frown. "Are the nerves kicking in?"

I gave a nervous laugh as I turned to look back at the mirror. "Nerves? Is it that obvious?"

The two of then glanced at each other, before looking back at me. "Yes."

Groaning, I leaned against the sink, holding my hands over my face. "Fuck- You gotta help me, boys. I just- I want to do this. But- my brain is just racing-"

Ted took a step forward, placing his hands on each side of my head, staring me down with his cold, dead eyes. "Schlatt, listen to me. (Y/N) loves you. And you love (Y/N). Whatever happens, the two of you can get through. Together. Got it?"

Smiling brightly, Charlie popped in. "Yeah! The two of you love each other, so what could even go wrong?"

".. Honestly-" I said softly, feeling a bit of relief flood through me. "You're right. Both of you are." A smile grew on my face. "Hell, I can do this!"

Charlie smiled brightly as Ted smirked, giving a sort of 'I told you so' expression. Placing his hand on my shoulder, Charlie smiled. "Come on, the ceremony should be starting soon- and, well, you should probably be the first one up there." He laughed softly.

Feeling way better than before, I confidently left the bathroom with Ted and Charlie by my side, probably the best damn friends I had right now.

It was just time to finally do what I came here to do.


Your POV

Hearing music playing from outside, I began feeling my heart race. Taking a deep breath, I stared at myself in the mirror, slapping my face a bit.

There was a small knock on the door before Evan walked in, giving me a small smile. "You ready for this?" He asked softly.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a small smile, taking a deep breath.

I could do this. Nothing could go wrong. And if it did, it was nothing we couldn't get past.

Putting my arm around Evan's I stepped out of the room, he escorted me through the halls as the faint music grew louder.

And once we stepped into the main room, my eyes nearly lit up at what I could see.

Friends and family sitting around tables, all of their eyes immediately locking in on me as soon as I stepped into the room.

All I could do was stans there for a moment, taking in the scene as I embraced the wonderful music. Schlatt probably picked it out, he had an amazing taste in music, afterall.

Soon I felt Evan nudge my arm slightly, signaling me to start walking again. As i stepped down and began walking towards the stage, that's when I got a good look at him.

Schlatt stood on the stage, his eyes wide as he watched me walk toward him. I couldn't tell if he was shocked, or so overcome with emotion that he didn't know how to properly react. Either way, you couldn't help but smile brightly, looking right at him.

Stepping up onto the stage I felt as if I was on cloud 9, standing in front of Schlatt he gently grabbed my hands, practically looking me up and down with glossy eyes. "You look incredible." He whispered, a smile growing on his face.

The only response I could give was a smile before the music died down and the preacher began talking, honestly I paid no attention to his words despite them being important. All I did was focus on Schlatt, staring into his eyes as our gazes practically locked together.

This was the man I was going spending the rest of my life with.

Hell, I think I could live with that.

Finally I was snapped out of my little daze when I heard the preacher say my name. "(Y/N), do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish and hold, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

Without hesitation I squeezed Schlatt's hands, my gaze softening slightly. "I do."

Nodding slowly, the preacher then looked to Schlatt. "And Schlatt, do you take this-"

"I do." Schlatt interrupted almost instantly. "You don't gotta ask me twice."

A few people in the crowd gave small laughs and giggles, while the preacher smiled to himself. "Well then. If anyone believes these two should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Luckily, the crowd stayed silent. Even though the room was huge, you could honestly hear a pen drop from the back.

After waiting about ten seconds, the preacher smiled and closed his book. "If there are no objections, then, I'm happy to pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Schlatt didn't hesitate to wrap his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him before connecting his lips to mine. I smiled and immediately went in as well, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He dipped me backwards slightly as people began clapping and cheering, and though the room was so loud, everything felt quiet around Schlatt and I.

I felt my heart began to race as my lips disconnected from his, his eyes glancing at me as he smiled, pulling me to stand up straight.

"Y'know," He began with a small laugh, "I know I've kissed those sweet lips before, but I swear that time was better than the rest."

Giggling softly, I held tightly onto his hand, my smile growing wide as I looked at him.

"Your lips are so soft, I wouldn't want it any other way." I said softly, before my smile widened.

"I guess your gun isn't the only thang you keep on you."


(Okay now it's finally done lmao. I don't plan on working on this book anymore, so I really hope you enjoyed it!! :]

If you liked it I'd suggest checking out some of my other books!! I plan on publishing another Schlatt x Reader in the future ;) as well as many others!!

Take care!! :D)

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