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Your POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked, before grabbing my phone. I yawned quietly and answered it, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. "Hello?"

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Smii7y said, he sounded a bit excited. "I heard you and Evan were coming to the party in two days, right?"

"Yeah, yeah we're coming.." I hummed and slowly sat up, smiling a bit. "You're friends with those guys who are throwing the party, right?"

"Yep, me and John are pretty good friends with them. They basically just told us to invite whatever YouTube friends we wanted."

"Aww, so me and Evan were first, huh?" I hummed softly, slowly getting out of bed and stretching.

"Uhh, sure, you can say that." Smii7y chuckled. "Well, you're probably busy right now, but do you have any questions before I go?"

"Yeah, what are your friends like?"

"Welllllll, they drink and smoke quite a bit, but they've got a good sense of humor."

"I won't be forced to smoke or drink, will I?" I asked a bit nervous. I wasn't a big fan of smoking or drinking, I just didn't see a point in it. A drink or two here and there is fine, though.

"What? Of course not! You'll have a choice." He chuckled. "Some people might offer it to you, but hey, if you don't want too, they won't try and force you to or anything like that."

"Alright, good.. just making sure." I giggled a bit. "Me and Evan are leaving later tonight to fly to LA, when do you plan on leaving..? Or are you there already?"

"I'm leaving later tonight, John's already there. We're just gonna share a hotel room together. Jokes on him, he paid for it." Smii7y chuckled a bit.

"Aw, come on, at least be grateful!" I giggled a bit.

"Don't worry, I am. Plus, he's gonna make me pay for everything else, so I'm sure we'll be even."

"Yeah, I'm sure." I hummed. "Are you and Kryoz planning on doing a meetup?"

"Maybe, we're not sure yet." He chuckled. "Anyway, I'll let you go, I've gotta finish packing. I'll see you in LA!"

I smiled. "See you in LA, Smii7y." I hummed, before hanging up. I headed over to my closet and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on it, before heading to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put on a tiny bit of makeup and some deodorant, and tied my hair into a messy bun, before walking downstairs.

Evan wasn't downstairs, so I figured he was still asleep. I didn't feel too hungry so I just grabbed a granola bar and a water bottle, before heading back upstairs.

I sat at my desk and hummed quietly, turning on my monitors and opening up twitch. I got everything set up, before starting a stream, but keeping the 'Starting Soon' screen up so I could load in to everything.

As I opened Minecraft, I watched as my chat grew active, many people just saying their hellos and such.

I soon took the 'Starting Soon' screen down and turned on my webcam, waving and smiling a bit. "Hello, chat!" I hummed, loading into my Minecraft world. "How are you guys today?"

The chat began to flood with answers, I just kept my smile and continued to hum. "So what I was thinking for this stream, I was just thinking it could be like last night. Just us talking and such!"

I walked into my Minecraft house and grabbed an iron pickaxe, as well as my armor. "Plus, I have exciting news!"

Chat moved at the same pace, but now people were just saying things like "what is it?!" And "exciting news?!"

I hummed as I walked into my strip mine, I glanced at chat here and their as I played. "Yep! Me and Evan are going to a party with some other YouTubers! It's hosted by this group- the Misfits, I think?"

As soon as I finished that sentence, chat started going faster, everyone seemed to be freaking out about these 'Misfits'.

I watched the questions flood through chat. "No, Evan doesn't know them, but Smii7y and Kryoz do. They're the ones who invited us."

My donation sound went off, someone donated $5.00 and asked, "Do you know anyone else going?"

I shook my head slowly. "I only know Vanoss, Smii7y, and Kryoz are going to be there."

Another dono popped up, "Are you going to film any of it for a vlog?"

"Hmm, maybe. We're staying in LA for like two weeks, me and Evan will probably go and do random stuff. I'll most likely film some of that, maybe some of the party if I'm allowed to." I hummed as I mined some iron from my mine shaft.

After a bit of me just rambling to chat and answering a few more questions, I got another donation. "Do you think other YouTubers like Jschlatt and CallMeCarson will be there?"

I gave a small shrug. "I'm not sure, I don't really know who those people are. I think I've heard of Carson, though. He's pretty popular, isn't he?"

And yet again, chat went crazy.

"Hey hey, don't get mad at me!" I laughed a bit. "I don't know every person on the platform! I'm sure other popular creators will be there, too. Not just YouTubers! I'm sure Twitch streamers will be there, too." I hummed.

Chat immediately started going, saying things like "Pokimane???" And "A lot of creators know Pokimane, what if she's there??"

I laughed a bit. "If Pokimane was there, I'd probably cry. She's like- one of the most popular twitch streamers! Meeting her in person would be amazing!" I paused for a moment and watched chat. "I am NOT a simp, chat!" I laughed once again.

After an hour or two of answering questions, talking to chat, and just playing Minecraft, I decided it was probably time to end the stream. I said goodbye to chat and waved to my webcam, before opening the twitch application and ending it.

I slowly got up and stretched, sighing quietly. There was a small knock on my door, I walked over and opened it, seeing Evan standing there. He smiled a bit. "Hey, I was gonna go out and get some lunch, you wanna come with?"

A smile formed on my face as I nodded. "Sure, sounds good."

A few hours went by after me and Evan grabbed lunch, and soon it was time to head to the airport. I grabbed my luggage and brought it downstairs, waiting for the Uber Evan ordered to arrive.

Evan had his luggage as well, he smiled a bit. "Are you ready for this?"

"Of course." I hummed. "Do you think I wouldn't be?"

"No no, I'm just making sure." He chuckled softly.

Soon the Uber pulled up to our house, me and Evan put our luggage in the trunk, and we both got in the back seat, and before we know it, we were on our way to the airport.

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now