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Your POV

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay a night or two, (Y/N)?" Schlatt asked with a small chuckle.

A week had gone by since the fight, instead of taking a plane to take Schlatt back home we just decided to take a road trip and drive back together. We took my car, and by the time we got back, we were pretty much exhausted.

"Oh Schlatt please, I'm sure she's tired of you already." Schlatt's sister said with a giggle.

I shook my head a bit. "No, I'd actually love to stay for a bit. The trip was exhausting, I don't want to get right back on the road." I said with a sigh, slowly sitting on the couch.

Schlatt gave a small smile and a chuckle as he slowly sat down next to me. "Great." He chuckled softly.

"Well, it's good to get away, me and Evan had a small fight on the way here.." I said with a small sigh, shaking my head a bit.

Once I said that I could tell I caught Schlatt's full attention, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "A small fight? About what?"

Letting out another sigh I shook my head again, "Something stupid, he's upset that I'm spending so much time with you. He's still upset about what happened at the Misfits party, and you getting into that fight last week didn't improve his opinion.."

He honestly looked a bit confused as I explained, he shook his head a bit. "So your brother doesn't like me, huh?"

"More like he thinks you're dangerous, he's afraid you'll end up hurting me or some shit like that.."

Sitting up a bit, Schlatt crossed his arms a bit annoyed. "Does he not realize that's the reason I got into that fight? To protect you! And he think I'm gonna hurt you?" He huffed.

"That's the thing, Schlatt. He's afraid you would accidentally hurt me in a way."

"(Y/N), I promise you that if I ever end up hurting you, I'd let you kick my ass."

That comment made me giggle a bit, I smiled and crossed my arms. "Believe me, you wouldn't have a choice. I'd kick your ass anyway."

"Really now? Alright." He laughed a bit before slowly standing up. "Anyway, I'm gonna head to the store real quick. You guys need anything?"

Both Schlatt's sister and I shook our heads, he gave a slow nod before putting his jacket on. "Alright, call if you need something." He chuckled, before heading towards the door.

"Stay safe! Don't get into anymore fights!" His sister called out, causing him to laugh a bit before stepping out of the house, closing the door behind him.

I leaned back on the couch a bit and smiled. "So, you live with him, huh? I bet that's interesting."

His sister gave a small laugh before sitting down. "Oh, it has its ups and downs, really. A few months ago he came into a room and asked for a pair of my shorts. 'For a video'."

"So that's where he got those shorts?!" I asked a bit surprised, I remembered watching one of his videos where he wore them, though it honestly felt like a fever dream.

"Yeah, that's where he got them!" She said with a giggle, "But anyway, I honestly planned on moving out sometime soon, I don't really want to live with my brother for a long time. I mean- no offense to him, he's a great roommate, but I've lived with him all my life, y'know? Ever since we were kids."

Giving a small nod, I sat up a bit, adjusting my sitting position. "Yeah, I get that. I've wanted to move out for a while too, Evan's a great guy but I'd like to have a place of my own, y'know? For a while, at least."


Schlatt's POV

"I don't know if I can do this, Connor. It seems.. stressful." I said with a sigh, resting my head against the steering wheel of my car.

Connor immediately shook his head and let out a sigh. "Come on, man! You love this girl, right? You gotta show how you really feel at some point."

At the moment I was parked by a curb, sitting in my car, on a video call with my good friend, Connor. I hadn't really gotten into a store yet, a thought was racing through my head and I just had to talk to someone about it.

"I know, I know. It's just.. what if she hates me?" I said softly, lifting my head up from the wheel.

"You've been together for what, a few months? I doubt she will. It's worth a shot, Schlatt. If you think you're ready for it, I say do it."

I thought for a moment, before giving a slow nod. "Alright.. alright. Thanks man, it means a lot."

He gave a small nod and chuckled a bit. "Anytime, now I gotta get off here. I plan on streaming in a few minutes." He said with a stretched. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, talk to you later." I said with a sigh, setting my phone down as soon as he hung up.

This whole situation was stressful to think about, though I trusted Connor I still thought about talking to a few more people about this.

Leaning back, I grabbed my phone again and scrolled through my contacts, taking a deep breath and clicking the call button on another one. I listened to the ringing for a moment, and as soon I I heard the other line pick up, I let out a sigh.

"Hey, Ted? I just need an opinion and some advice on something."


Your POV

"Wow, he actually kept the baby?!" I said with a giggled.

Schlatt's sister smiled and nodded, "Yeah! He'll sometimes leave it in random places around the house, I'll sometimes even find it in my room!"

Both of us laughed a bit, we had been talking to each other for a while as we waited for Schlatt to return. It had been at least an hour and a half now, but I wasn't complaining. Schlatt's sister was an interesting person to talk to.

As our laughter died down, she let out a a small sigh, before looking at me. "You know, (Y/N), I've been thinking about this for a while, but.."

I looked at her, tilting my head a bit. "But?"

".. But, I think you would make a good sister in law."

That comment caught me a bit off guard, but it made me smile nonetheless. ".. Really?"

She gave a small smile before nodding slowly. "Yeah, you would make a good sister in law for sure."

My smile grew a bit as I sat up. "Well, I think you would make a great one, too."

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now