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Your POV

A few days passed, and soon enough, I was at the airport, ready for my flight. I honestly could've just drove, but hey, that could take like, 10-12 hours or more. I felt that flying would be a lot easier.

Schlatt had been texting me non-stop almost all day, constantly with different questions, like, "when are you coming?", "where's the hotel at?", "what time is your flight?", "do you need me to pick you up at the airport?".

Jeez, and he liked to joke around and say I was the clingy one.

Of course I responded to him after each question, though, it was kinda obvious that he was planning on coming to see me as soon as I got there. My plan was to get an uber from the airport to my hotel, and once I got settled into my room, text Schlatt and tell him what room I was in, and everything like that.

Soon after a while of waiting in the airport I finally boarded my plane, it was only about an hour flight so on the way I took a small nap. By the time I woke up the plane was nearly ready to land.

Once I was off I immediately found my luggage and ordered an uber, before texting Schlatt.

Guess who just landed :)

Nice, you got an uber, right? I don't need to come and get you?

Jeez, you're starting to sound like my brother, lmao. Yeah, I got an uber. I'll text you when I get to my hotel.

Alright, stay safe👍

I smiled and turned my phone off, before putting it in my back pocket and waiting for the uber to show up. The hotel I picked was about thirty minutes away from the airport, but Schlatt suggested it to me so I was guessing it was decently closer to wherever he was.

When my uber arrived I got in the back seat keeping my things with me, I didn't like the feeling of putting it in the trunk of a strangers car. Mainly because of the fear that they would just drive off with it.

As they drove I pulled my phone out again and opened Twitter, not much was going on, really. I liked a few tweets a few people I followed put out, and then I began to debate on if I should put out a tweet.

Thinking about it, I figured it would be best if I didn't for now, maybe after a day or two of being here. I wanted to get settled in at first and hopefully not bump into any fans yet.

The car ride honestly didn't feel that long, soon the uber pulled up to the hotel. I paid and stepped out of the car, grabbing my things and heading into the hotel. The first thing I did was head to reception and get my room key, then head to the elevator. Room 409. That's where I would be staying.

I headed up to my room and sat my things down, immediately flopping onto one of the beds. I let out a long sigh feeling a bit tired, but I soon grabbed my phone, FaceTiming Schlatt.

It took a few rings, but soon he answered.

"Heyy, (Y/N)!" He chuckled. "You there yet?"

"Yeah, room 409." I smiled. "When are you coming?"

"Right now. I'll text you when I'm there, alright?" He smiled a bit. "Want me to pick up some food before I get there?"

"Sure." I hummed, standing up and looking around the room. "Maybe pizza or something? Something basic."

He nodded. "Pizza it is." He chuckled. "See you in a bit, (Y/N)." He said softly, before hanging up.

I smiled and flopped back down on my bed, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, looking for a random show to watch.

After almost thirty minutes of laying in bed and watching a random crime show, I heard a knock on the door. I immediately sprang up and sprinted to the door, smiling brightly as I opened it. Seeing Schlatt standing there, I immediately pulled him into a hug.

"Woah! Fuckin' hell, let me put the food down first!" He chuckled softly as he slowly pushed me off, heading into the room. He walked over and sat the food down on the desk, before looking at me and smiling, opening his arms. "Alright, now c'mere."

I smiling and almost immediately jumped into his arms, feeling then wrap around me and pull me close. "I've actually missed you a lot." I said softly, wrapping my arms around him as well.

"I guess I missed you, too." He chuckled. "Now c'mon, let's eat. I'm starving." He pulled away from me and smiled, before walking over and flopping back on my bed.

Some time passed, but soon we were sitting on my bed together as we ate and watched whatever was on TV. We had switched channels to some cheesy movie that happened to be on, it was one of those ones with the awkward love stories or some shit. I only paid some attention, but I only found it funny because Schlatt kept insulting how stupid it was almost after anything happened.

"See?! This is so stupid! Why would she run off crying after seeing the guy she likes with another girl?! She should grow a pair and either kick their asses or find a new man!" He huffed a bit and chuckled, taking a bite out of his slice of pizza.

I giggled a bit and looked at him. "I think you're getting way too invested in this."

"I'm just saying. If I were a woman, I wouldn't take that bullshit. Plus they aren't even dating yet! She's being a coward!"

"You're overthinking this way too much." I smiled, sitting up a bit.

"And look! Now the dumbass is going all the way to her house to apologize! For what?! They aren't dating!" He laughed. "This movie is so stupid." He chuckled.

"Well then let's watch something else." I said taking a small bite out of my slice.

Schlatt immediately shook his head. "Nah, I'm having fun making fun of it." He chuckled and leaned back a bit.

I giggled a bit. "Whatever you say."

After some time went by the movie was close to ending, we both had finished eating so we were now just sitting there and watching. Eventually I scooted closer to Schlatt, laying my head on his shoulder. I felt him jump a bit not expecting that out of nowhere, he looked down at me for a moment, and I slowly looked up at him.

His expression was a bit surprised, I slowly sat up. "Sorry.. am I getting too close..?"

"(Y/N)..." He said softly as he stared at me, he grabbed the remote and turned the TV down for a moment, before looking back at me. "I need to tell you something."

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now