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Your POV

I guess I spoke too soon.

A few hours passed, Schlatt and I were sound asleep, until around 3 in the morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I immediately pulled away from Schlatt and rushed into the bathroom, quickly getting on my knees in front of the toilet and throwing up.


Everything felt like it was hurting, my head was pounding and my arms were trembling slightly. I didn't know what to do in all honesty but sit there and keep my face over the toilet, just in case I were to throw up again. 

After nearly a minute or two the light switched on, I didn't bother to move or look behind me, since I knew Schlatt was there. "Shit." I heard him mutter, before he walked over and crouched besides me, carefully beginning to brush my hair back and out of my face with his fingers. "Do you uh.. want some water or some shit..?"

All I really did was shake my head, I began feeling worse and worse, soon beginning to puke again.

Schlatt kept my hair out of my face and sighed, beginning to rub my back with his free hand. I could tell that he could feel my body tremble, I could see him frown from the corner of my eye.

Soon I finished once again and coughed, he began to pat my back slightly. "Jeez, uh.." He sighed and slowly stood up. "You got a hair tie or something I can keep your hair back with?"

I gave a slow nod, finally speaking a bit. "I-In my suitcase.. top pouch.." I stuttered out, looking at him slightly.

He gave a small nod, he sighed softly. "Just sit still, okay? Try not to move too much." He headed back into the bedroom for a moment.

My body continued to ache more and more, I just rested my head on my arm, trying to resist the urge to cry. Soon I could feel my hair being brushed back again, Schlatt tying it back the best he could. 

His hand gently pressed against my forehead, he let out a small sigh. "Fuck, you're pretty hot.. in two ways, might I add-"

"N-Now's not really the time, S-Schlatt.." I muttered softly, keeping my head against my arm.

"I know, I know.. I'm just trying to lighten the mood." He sighed. After a few seconds I could hear the sink running, and soon Schlatt was sitting behind me. He gently patted his lap. "Think you can sit back a bit without getting sick everywhere?'

Staying still wasn't really a good way to answer him, but it's what I did. He sighed and gently wrapped his arms around me, slowly pulling me into his lap. He had a washcloth soaked with cold water, which he gently place against my forehead as I sat there.

Feeling the sudden cold made me tense up a bit but soon relax, I slowly laid my head back against his shoulder. He kept his other arm around my waist, rubbing my stomach slowly. "How are you feeling..?"

"E-Everything hurts.." I said soflty. He kept the rag against my forehead, gently kissing my cheek.

"You wanna go to the doctor or try to get more sleep?" He asked softly. "I'll gladly drive you there."

I shook my head slowly. "It's too early.." I muttered. "I'll just try to sleep more.."

"Then I'm sitting right here all night with you, alright?"

"No, go back to bed.. I promise you I'll be fine.." I looked up at him a bit.

"Oh, no no no. You're not sitting in here all night alone." He adjusted his sitting position a bit, keeping me in his lap. "I don't care how long I have to sit up. I'd feel like an ass for leaving you alone in here."

Hearing that made me smile, I sighed softly. "You're the best, Schlatt.." I muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, thank me later." He chuckled. "Now you get some more sleep. Or try to, at least."

That honestly sounded like a good idea to me. Though everything hurt I still felt tired, I kept my head against Schlatt's shoulder, his hand still holding his washcloth against my forehead. It didn't take long after that, but I soon fell asleep again.


When I awoke I was still in Schlatt's lap in the bathroom, even after getting some sleep I still felt like shit. A little better, but still shit.

Looking back I noticed Schlatt had fallen asleep while sitting up, though now he was leaning back against the bathtub. I felt awful not knowing how long he stayed awake to sit with me.

Not wanting to disturb him I slowly stood up, feeling a bit dizzy, but still managing to walk over to the door, heading back into the bedroom. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and turned it on, checking the time.

7, almost 8, in the morning. Huh.

I carefully sat down on the bed and unlocked my phone, going to Twitter and making a tweet.

"Currently in New York and woke up sick to my stomach.. well shit :("

Minutes after I posted that, I soon got a call from Evan. That wasn't too big of a surprise.

Once I answered, I didn't even get a chance to say hello. "You're sick?!" Evan huffed a bit.

"Don't freak out, Evan.. I'm fine.." I sighed. "I threw up at like 3 in the morning, but since then I've been fine.."

"Do you need me to get a flight there?" He asked calmly. "I'd hate for you to be alone and sick over there."

"Welllll, that's the thing. I'm with a friend. I'll be okay."

"A friend? I didn't know you had friends over there."

I let out a sigh and leaned back a bit. "I'm with Schlatt, Evan."

Evan let out a slightly annoyed groan "(Y/N), you know I'm not ready to be an uncle." He said in a joking tone.

My face grew hot. "Evan Fong! You know its not like that!' I huffed a bit.

"I'm just saying!" He chuckled.

"And you're the one who was scolding and telling me not to have sex at the Misfits party."

"Well, hey. There were a bunch of drunk and high people there. I didn't want you to do something you'd regret later." He sighed. "Just- stay safe and try to go to a doctor, okay?"

"I will, I will.. I'll talk to you later, okay, Evan?"

"Alright." He said softly. "Stay safe over there, (Y/N)."


(Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far :O

Also!!!! I might be working on another Schlatt story.. 👀

It involves all of the Lunch Club too!! Minus stinky man though >:(

I'll try to get it out as soon as I figure out how to write the first chapter, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested!!! :)

Have a nice day/night!)

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now