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Come not between the dragon
and his wrath❞


Once I'd read Fajr prayer, I made sure to message mum and dad about my first day in the hospital today.

At first I was nervous to go, but lameesa gave me encouragement to last a life time. I quickly made my own breakfast, making sure the Mukhtars didn't wake up. Once my dishes were done, I wrote down a note to auntie saying I have gone hospital and won't be back until night time.

Looking up at the building I would be working in, it stood big and proud. It looked much too fancy for a hospital, but then again, this is situated in the upper class area of Madrid. Before coming here, I'd researched online it was being funded by some wealthy people.

I went to the staff room, where other young professional doctors were situated. At first I was baffled, but then happy when I caught sight of Marissa, a friend I made here yesterday whilst visiting. She waved me over grinning from ear to ear.

Soon, an old man probably in his 60's stood up and immediately the room quitened down. This must be the head doctor i'd read about in the email. Doctor Miguel.

"Good morning aspiring doctors. I am Doctor Miguel and welcome you all to the best hospital in all of Madrid. I am extremely pleased to know that there are so many young and wonderful people wanting to make others life better, despite our current predicament" he started, smiling around the room.

"This is your first day here and because of that I will assign you all to your groups and wards. You will be shadowed by professional doctors very closely. They will ensure you have everything you need and if you need help then please don't hesitate to speak to them. They will be very happy to help. And like always I wish you good luck on your six months here. Gracias" he spoke in his heavy spanish accent.

Soon me and my group were being assigned to our wards. I've ways had a close relationship with kids as I liked them very much, so I was pleased when I found out I would be in the kids wards for the first two months. Marissa on the other hand was frowning the entire time we reached the ward.

Looking around the room, the walls were painted into a jungle, displaying the many tropical animals. Also, many toys were placed next to the five beds. The kids were now fast asleep, as it was still early morning. More specifically 8 am.

I was given a lost of instructions for each of the five kids, and I was more than happy to help. They were here due to broken arms and legs, and hence were request to stay under professional care until they were better. They looked between the age of 10 to 12.

Smiling to myself, I read the children's hospital history. I made sure to wash and sanitise my hands and arms, before coming in contact with the children. One of them awoke, rubbing their eyes before focusing their gaze on me.

"Good morning. How are you" I looked down at his bed, reading his name "Theodore Badras". He looked at me, not saying anything, his brown eyes wandering over my head, more specifically my scarf. At first I thought he didn't understand English, but then he broke out in a grin.

"Buenos dias. I am fine thank you" he spoke with a heavy spanish accent. I smiled, nodding my head. He got up from his lying position, sitting down with my assistance.

"How is your arm Theodore, I read you fell down your bunk bed?"

"Yes, my sister pushed me down by accident. It's aching, but I'm sure it'll get better" he said, looking at the scribbles and cartoons drawn on his cast. I pat his head, informing him I will be back with his breakfast.

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