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Never assume that loud is strong,
and quiet is weak.
The fiercest storms rise from the calmest seas
{Tommy Shelby}

I was shook with what Antoinette told me. After that day, I'd stayed more alert around the hospital. Not saying anything out of line. Not talking to people I didn't trust. Not that I talked to strangers, but still, this time I had to be more cautious. Nothing was as it seems and I quote-"Laila, Señor Rey has many enemies, they know his reputation, they know of him, but they haven't seen him. That makes you the perfect target for them as they will use you as bait to get to him, and bring him down, so please for the love of god, look after yourself"-and end quote. That was what Antoinette informed me as I was leaving.

And safe to say, her words remained with me for the night. I was a tossing and turning mess!

Well I'll be damned. My life should be produced as a movie at this point. Involved with the scary mafia. A proposal from the said mafia leader. Drama in Spain. It'll be a classic telenovela, but with a mix.

Suddenly, a ring called out in the silence. I walked towards my bed, answering my parents call. I Inhaled and exhaled a couple of times off camera, just to calm me down.

"Assalamualaikum mama, baba" A smile faked it's way on my face, as I stared at my beautiful parents. They did not know anything of my life at this point. If only I could confide in them. I felt all alone, despite residing in a loving home. I guess at this point my only solace was the demon, to some extent.

Only he could provide me with answers which would fulfill my burning curiosity and put me at ease. Only then would I be able to meet this test head on.

"Wa alay-kamus salaam" They both cheered in synch. "how is my beti doing" mama asked, her smile lighting up the dark crevices around my heart. I attempted to smile back, but I guess it came out more as a strangled and permanent grimace. Thankfully the connection was too low for her to catch onto my changing facial expressions.

"I'm good mama, how are you and dad? Is Nadir still annoying you" I asked.

"Of course not Laila. Ever since you left he's actually been a good boy, and takes responsibility around the house now a days" she gleamed seemingly proud of him. I nodded in happiness.

"Alhamdulillah" I thanked the one above. "That's great, I'm glad to know you guys are doing well" I said lowly, a whole display of emotions taking place in my eyes. At least they were away from this mess Laila. I chastised myself for being too selfish. Them knowing about the Mafia and all that's happened to me ever since I moved here would only land then in more trouble. I couldn't ever afford that. Ever.

"Laili is there something wrong?" Mum's smile instantly turned upside down upon inspecting my face. I nodded a bit too eagerly.

"Yes. I just miss you all" no matter how much i willed myself together, my voice still broke and tears still welled up in my eyes. My innocent parents, mistaking my tears for something completely different. Was I too selfish if I told them what has been happening to me? Would it make me a bad daughter for hiding everything from them? Would they understand?

Too many questions left in the dark, unanswered.

"Oh dear" mama said, holding back her own tears, as she passed the phone over to baba. He looked proud. As proud as a father can be. He looked past my wet face and attempted to light me up.

"Laila dear, you're in Spain because of your university course, it's not your marriage yet, so save your tears" he gloomed but I could detect the teasing behind his words. From afar, I heard mama slap his shoulder playfully, chastising him. I giggled from their childish behavior.

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