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Power is always dangerous.
It attracts the worst and
Corrupts the best.
{Edward Abbey}

The demons bone chilling chuckle confirmed my suspicion and suddenly, everything clicked together.

These people were not the police but probably in disguise.
I gasped at the newfound information. I'm guessing the demon heard this because the next second he tutted. I could practically imagine the smirk and arrogance rolling off of him.

"What happened girl. Why are you so shocked?" He stated as if talking to a toddler. I didn't know how to respond or with what to respond so I opted to remain quiet.

"Juan in front of you will give you keys to access the hospitals no entry zone. You must have heard of it no?" He stated, his voice serious. I nodded, but later realised he couldn't see me. Juan, the supposed man infront of me looked at me briefly, smirking at my mishap. The heat made it's way to my cheeks.

"Yes. But it's only for the professional doctors in the hospital I heard"

"Wrong. It's for the government officials who made the building in the first place. You do not need to know much more than that. Juan will tell you the rest of what's expected" he claimed, his voice turning deeper.

Sweat clammed my hands, making the phone slippery.

"Okay" I responded. Just as I was about to take the phone from my hijab covered ear, he spoke up.

"I don't want any mistakes. Do I make myself clear?" There was no room for negotiation. His words from earlier flashed in my mind. Uncles life.


"Bien" and with that he ended the call. So many questions were running around in my head. What did he want me to do in the forbidden area of the hospital? And also, why did the government have their own place in the hospital?

Was it for them to get special care when injured? Or sick?

Not long after the phone call ended, Juan cleared his throat, holding out his hand expectantly. I realised he wanted the phone, and quickly rubbed the sweat off on my leggings before giving it back to him.

He pulled a very disgusted face before taking it in between his index and thumb and placing it in his pants pocket.

I sheepishly looked at him, and then around me, too embarrassed.

"You speak English yes?" He asked, his hands crossed at his chest and his burly body intimidating. I nodded, but I think that seemed to annoy him as he frowned. For some reason, his American accent surprised me. I wasn't expecting an American police officer here in Madrid.

Obviously "Yes" I instead reply.

"These are the keys for the hospital. Boss wants you to to go to the forbidden area and open the gates. Once you get there, keep walking straight and you'll instantly see a room down the hall. The brown key attached is the key to that room. Go inside there and look for a file. It should be a red colour. Do not look inside it.  Tomorrow will be your last and final day of the task" he explained in a low voice. He made sure the police officers around us couldn't hear, as he motioned for me to walk with him down the street opposite them.

I nodded my head at the information.  Without thinking I wanted to ask the first question that came to mind. But before I could, he interrupted me rudely.

"Also, you will be given ten minutes to do this. The key you are holding has a chip In it, alerting us of when you reach the gates. From then on, we will hack the cameras and shut them for ten minutes. If you exceed past this time, you will be recorded in the cameras and unfortunately for you, the government will be on your tail. All I'm going to say is work carefully and quickly tomorrow" he said everything expecting me to soak it up like a sponge. But from that huge paragraph all I got was a ten minute timer, cameras hacked, cameras unhacked after ten minutes and track.

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