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First and foremost, I pray to Allah on this special Day of Eid that The people of Palestine receive the justice they deserve. If you are not aware of what's happening, palestinian civilians are being kicked out of their homes, being bombed, murdered, sold by Israeli soldiers and much more horrendous acts. Although Eid is today, it does not feel like so as the thought of what's happening in Palestine and to the Muslims around the worlds is making me feel guilty of not doing enough. Thats why I want to share this with you all, who may not be aware. Palestine has been occupied by the other side for the past 70+ years.

You CANNOT erase history and call Palestine "Israel" if a Palestinian women has lived much longer than your 70 year "state".

With this in mind, I request we all come together and pray to God for the suffering to stop and to grant heaven to the innocent lives lost in this and grant victory to the Palestinians and the countries suffering. Ameen. Sum Ameen. 🇵🇸🇦🇫 🇲🇲(Rohingya, Uighur, Kashmir) 🤲🏼🤲🏼

الا بزىکراللةتطمىن القوب

Verily with the remembrence of Allah do hearts find rest

"Laila, what are you looking for?" Lameesa asked, stopping at my doorway whilst scrolling through her phone.

I panicked, not wanting to tell her about the letters I'd been receiving.

"Emm nothing, just clearing up under my bed" which was sort of true, I wasn't entirely lying at all.

She seemed to be satisfied with the answer as she hummed before leaving the room.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it then"

"Where are you, where are you you stupid letters"

"Aha" I exclaimed, holding the box of letters out in front of me. I quickly scurried away, shoving everything unnecessary under my bed and running towards the door.

I looked down to see I had already wasted three whole minutes. Shoot. I better get a move on.

I ran as fast as I could towards the park whilst the demons threats played around in my brain like a broken record. I stopped to get my breath back only momentarily.

And then the running started again. The harsh wind was blowing against my face, giving me a headache. For god sake. The things I have to do for that man is unbelievable.

I reached the park with just a minute to spare. I sped down the dark walkway as I reached the bench where the demon was situated, smoking.

He looked up from staring at his cigarette bud to my disheveled state. My heart beat was erratic and my breathing was uneven. I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing when the demon stood to his full height.

I held out the box In front of me with both my hands, suddenly feeling thirsty.

The demon payed no attention to my state, as he took the box frome, chucking away the lid as i mingled with the wind, before identifying the contents inside.

My breathing had gone back to normal. I furrowed my eyebrows at the demons strange behaviour. He took one letter from the box, running his fingers over the bottom left side. I took this time to observe his face, as a five 'o' clock shadow played about his jaw. His eyebrows seemed to be furrowed in concentration as he inspected the edges of the paper.

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