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May God help the needy and innocent around the world no matter their background. At the end of the day we are all human and must stick together! 🤲🏼🙏🏼 Ameen.

“ Our Lord, pour upon us patience,
And plant firmly our feet
And give us victory
Over the disbelieving people”
{Quran 2:250}

I had no time to observe the luxury that the car offered as the demon beside me was going on a rampage. He whizzed passed the cars as their honking and lights blurred before me. 

I read every dua which I could think of, praying that I would make it out alive. Throughout my fear, I glanced at the speedometer, the 100 mph causing my already erratic heart beat to increase alongside my prayers.

My current situation brought out the grandma in me which I never knew I had. I wouldn't have minded this speed on the motorway, but on normal roads, the demon was practically asking for a death wish. And unfortunately If that happened I would also be caught up in it too.

This continued for a couple more minutes until we stopped. I didn't open my eyes, knowing if I did, I would find everything blurry. The clearing of a throat broke me from my racing thoughts.

I looked at the demon as his amused eyes met my terrified ones. I followed as his gaze went to his arm. I instantly withdrew my hand from him as if he'd burned me.

I walked out after the demon, as he took me to some sort of forest. The moon and street lights provided enough light to see trees. Trees upon trees. I took this time to take out my phone and text Lameesa I would be late. She must be worried why I was taking so long just for a walk. She replied within seconds with an 'okay In sha allah'.

Tucking my phone away, I ran after the demon as his one stride equated to three hurried paces of my own. God how it felt being short.

I didn't realise with all the keeping up that we stopped next to a big tree. Or I stopped next to a big tree. I must have been too caught up with the gloomy atmosphere that I didn't realise the demon had disappeared. Where was he? I swear a few seconds ago he was infront of me.

"Hello" my voice called out, as I heard a hooting from a distance.

It was unfortunate as I didn't know the demons name and hence couldn't call for him.

"Mr Rey" I remembered instead what uncle had referred to the demon when he was stood in our living room.

I turned the flashlight to the front of me, whilst my mind went into overdrive. Where was that demon. Was this his plan all along, to leave me alone in the dark forest, with no human contact. Or maybe he was planning to murder me and was gathering sticks to burn my body with them after.

"Boo" a sinister voice called from behind me, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin. I was left immobilized, similarly to when someone would have sleep paralysis whilst the scary person lingered around them and they couldn't do anything about it.

Hands gripped my shoulders and within that second, I let out a scream so loud and terrifying that it scared me even more. I was suddenly turned around, dizzy and frightened.

My worried eyes met with mischievous ones which were none other than the demons. I felt like crying out in relief I wasn't alone and wouldn't die tonight, judging by the demons good mood.

"Next time refrain from screaming like a banshee" he voiced his displeasure but I didn't mind one bit. I was just happy I wasn't alone in the woods.

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