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Ramadan. The month you slowly become to realise it's not the demon.
It's you.
{The untamed}

⚠️ Sensitive and inhumane topics such as rape will be mentioned in this chapter. Read at your own risk! ⚠️

If it wasn't for the fact that I'd just tucked Jimena away, I would have surely shrieked at the hand around my waist. It slithered slowly around my anatomy, just like a slithery snake and latched onto my sides.

"You're such a scaredy cat, baby, in need of my protection" announced an amused voice from behind. I wanted to puncture his eye balls, but given the circumstances, I was kind of facing the wrong way.

"You have got to stop scaring me like this, and when the hell do I get out of here! I need to go back to my family!" I gritted in vexation, all the while he seemed the least bit affected. He took a step back, his eyes gazing over my figure. 

"I am your family now, my love, hmm?" came his hum, as if wanting me to agree. I'm sure that wasn't the case as he grabbed my wrist and led me towards a room. It looked to be his office, which Georgina told me he'd been occupying since my arrival at the mansion.

Surprisingly it was clean, just like his room which I'd unfortunately had the displeasure of viewing. Physically shaking my head, I sat down on the wheely chair, my posture and stance ready for a confrontation. A confrontation I didn't even know was supposed to happen. The atmosphere just seemed like it. Gosh, he was always going along with the 'Work song'.

I occasionally glanced at Rafael, as he stood before the window, inhaling occasional drags from the cigarette. How he prepared this so fast and when, rattled my brain. I bet his assassination reflex skills came handy every now and then.

I took this time to rove my eyes over his powerful figure. His broad back gave way to muscly arms, straining against the shirt's material. The suit looked rather great on him and in that moment I'd realised I couldn't imagine him ever wearing something so mundane, like joggers or sweatshirts.

I'm sure I've never seen him in anything but a pristine, crisp suit. It was impossible to imagine anything otherwise. It would feel weird, if I dare say, to see him in any other article of clothing.

I watched as he faced my way, taking another drag of the bud until there was just an inch left. His fingers were so well trained for that specific action, as they knew exactly where to rest, against his face.

The sight looked fascinating and I found myself asking why all these behaviours which I seemed to detest before were becoming so bearable now. So enrapturing.  Thankfully his voice distracted me from these disturbing thoughts.

"I'll let you leave tomorrow morning, darling. But before that I want to discuss some things about Jimena" his statement had me concerned, and sitting at the edge of my seat, my back straight in alertness.

Before I could voice my concern, he'd already began speaking.

"She's not my biological daughter" he exclaimed, cupping his hands around the cigarette, lighting it on fire. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and I couldn't look away. His eyes gazed around the room, as a few wild strands of his hair decorated his eyes. He made an attempt at moving them back, but of course, his own hair was equally as stubborn as himself. They were determined to stay before his eyes.

"What?" Came my shock induced voice. I was not expecting for this to be revealed to someone like me. Hell, I was not even expecting his answer in the first place!

"Now that you're my wife, it's only understandable to inform you of such" his gaze didn't falter as he stared at me with such ferocity. So much emotion, I'd never seen him in such a light.

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