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There is one pain, I often
Feel, which you will never
Know. It's caused by the absence of you
{Ashleigh Brilliant}

I shouldn't have come to the hospital. As much as it pains me to say this, the demon was right. I should have stayed at home and called off sick. Regret filled every ounce of my body once again, having realised my hands were tied down to the chair alongside my legs.

The rope was tightly wrapped around my mouth too, giving me a headache each second I turned my head the slightest to inspect the dingy room.

I could pick up a dreadful smell, nothing short like that of the gutters. The only light shining was through a block, directly across me. I was thankful for this. It was still day time.

Frustrated tears lined my vision the more I thought of what I should've done instead! Oh Allah. What did I get myself into? Would I even make it out of here alive?

Images of my parents flashed through my mind. My little brother. The Mukhtars. When they'd find out I didn't return from the shift, they'd be horrified. No, they would be absolutely petrified. They'd blame themselves for my disappearance.

Oh no! What did I get myself into? I found myself asking that for the hundredth time.

All of a sudden, a cranking of keys could be heard from behind me. Goosebumps erupted across my body, making the atmosphere ten times colder. This is where it all goes down. This is where I'm inevitably going to face death.

I shut my eyes in horror as the footsteps got closer. Dread overtook every one of my senses, making me stare stupidly at the intruders face. Oh no! Oh hell no! It was none other than those white men, which Rafael so clearly told me to steer away from.

Oh no! Did they find out about me being linked with him? About Itzel?

"Well well well" he sneered in a thick Spanish accent. I looked at him as if it was the first time meeting him in order to not arouse any suspicions.

"What do we have here?" His sweaty hand snaked around my mouth, his rough fingers gripping it into a pout. He then made sure to roughly pull down the rope, I'm sure leaving a scar on my chin. If he saw the disdain on my face, he didn't show it.

"Let go!" I tried to pull my head back, but to no avail did any of that have an effect. My actions were still groggy, from whatever they'd made me inhale.

"Tell me, doll. Why would I do that, after having only got you? You see, this pretty face will cost a lot in the ring, too bad there's none left since a couple of hours ago. You wouldn't have anything to do with their disappearance, would you?" My mind was hazy and thoughts even hazier. Why would he even assume that I'd be involved in something illegal.

He didn't give me any time to respond, as with a vicious look given I'm my direction, he let go of my face harshly, causing my brian to rattle to the side. My eyes shut in pain as I made a poor attempt at toning it down by shutting my eyes tightly. It only made the slow emerging headache worse.

"I know everything about you Laila" resonated his voice from afar. I opened my eyes, seeing him prance about infront of me, back and forth. Back and forth. But that sentence, that sentence that escaped his mouth fueled my terror to no end.

"Don't look so frightened, my dear, you see, I'm a very calm man. I won't do anything harsh to you, not if you provide me with some simple answers"

"W-what? I'm j-just a student, I don't know anyone here" I tried to reason, my voice sounding foreign to my own ears. He eyed me with amusement, the look not settling well with me.

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