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Every man is two men:
One is awaken in darkness
The other asleep in the
{Khalil Gibran}

I lay there awake, my mind full of what ifs and what nots. At max, I must have had only five hours of sleep. And even then, it was full of nightmares.

My parents finding out about this marriage. Oh, the day that that would arrive would be like hell itself. They would be gravely disappointed. Especially my dad. He'd told me to come back to England after my remaining months were over, and that he would see how much of a great guy Rafael was for me.

How would I keep such news like this so private? And that too from my family! Rafael found it a spectacular job to constantly remind me I'm his wife, even before we were married. If he ever met my parents, I'm scared he'd end up telling them.

No. That cannot happen under any circumstances. Before he has the unfortunate pleasure of meeting my parents, I'd instruct him to not tell my family we were courted. All that could be revealed in the future. One where my parents wholeheartedly accept this preposterous outcome.

But, but what if they don't. I would he stuck in a ditch.

I would not be able to move forward nor backwards. Eventually they'd find out, despite how much I'd try to conceal this news from them. And then, they would be heavily disappointed. But moreso, I would be ashamed. For the first time in my life, my eyes will be held down in humiliation.

But it wasn't my fault! I tried and tried to oppose the demons actions as much as I could. I resisted his words. Yet still, here I am, stuck in this dungeon of a mansion.

Rafael made it clear last night that I was to stay here and not leave. What did he expect me to do? Just sit around and wait for him like how a lovely wife would do? I internally rolled my eyes and just about addressed him in all the negative connotations one could towards a man.

I felt better after the mental list. The last time I'd had something to eat was the breakfast which one of the maids left outside my door. Hell! Why was I even in this room to begin with. I'm sure I could roam around the mansion!

So without another thought, I located the kitchen. I was hungry for a dessert, and I remember asking one of the maids whether they had any desserts in the kitchen. Much to my happiness, she'd replied that the head cook could make one if I wished, since I was now a Lady of the house.

Albeit, I wasn't excited about that declaration, but nonetheless, I didn't fuss much over the matter since I'd be getting my favourite dessert made.

A delightful fragrance danced about in the atmosphere, rendering me still. I stood as straight as a rod, trying to distinguish what it was. It was heavenly so I quickly made an advancement towards the kitchen, knowing full well I'd be delighted with whatever it was that was made.

And indeed I was.

It was the most spectacular trifle, decorating the table like a prize. My mouth watered at the sight and if it hadn't been for the booming voice of someone behind me, I would have surely pounced on it quicker than anybody could say mine!

"Good Afternoon Mrs Rey. I hope you didn't wait too long for your dessert" Said one of the cooks in a heavy spanish accent, looking at me with warmth in her eyes. It was quite an old lady, whom, surprisingly, was also shorter than me.

I was taken aback, not expecting her to be the cook. Well whatever it was, she was a wonderful cook. I could tell that from my breakfast and now this yummy smelling dessert.

Not wanting to prolong anymore time from eating the trifle, I replied back instantly.

"Ah no worries. Thank you for making this in such a short time, it smells wonderful" I smiled back. She nodded her head, turning around only to retrieve a spoon.

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