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They were planning,
And Allah was planning,
Indeed Allah is the best of planners.
(Surah Al-Anfal 8:30)


Meet me in the park next to your house right now. RCR.

What is this guy on? Does he think he's my father bossing me around.

My dried up mouth was unable to give Lameesa an answer as she pried about the unknown number. What should I say to her? How do I get myself out of this?

"It's just a random number scamming me Misa. Nothing too serious" the white lie escaped my mouth with no hesitation. Was it bad that now I could lie without feeling anything?

Of-course I felt guilty for lying to my sister, but it had to be done.

"Oh okay. I was a bit worried there wondering who the unknown number was" she exclaimed. I half heartedly smiled which didn't quite reach my eyes. Thankfully her attention was turned back to the movie.

After seven minutes of debating in my head whether I should go or no, I gave into the demons words. Like I normally did.

"Hey Lameesa, is it okay if I go out for fresh air" I asked, trying to look as less suspicious as possible. She looked away from the tv at the window. It was getting pretty dark even though it was just 5 pm.

"I don't see why not. Just don't be too late though, you know how mama gets and also avoid any place that's not crowded" she exclaimed shrugging. I grinned brightly at her before hurriedly putting on my coat.

Although my actions were quick paced, internally I was crumbling and if possible I felt like my insides weren't working. I was forced to go to the park at this time. Had this been another scenario where my loved ones life wasn't being threatened, I wouldn't have ever gone to the park.

Although that just not be true, as either way, I was asked to do so by the mafia.

I still remember the last time I went to a park and how terrifying it was when I was alone in the dark.

I evidently shuddered whilst sorting out my hijab. I left the house with a Salaam.

According to google maps, I was ten minutes away from the nearest park. Good. That way I would be able to clear my clouded head. With no more time to lose, I set off reciting the Dua for leaving the house.

In the name of Allah, there is no might nor power except with Allah.

To my upmost fear, the park was empty. There was one, however, man sat down on a bench, with their back towards me as smoke emitted sideways from their face. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering who this was, but then suddenly realised it was the demon.

I took this time to observe him. He sat down in the park so casually I wouldn't have known he was a mafia leader. I guess that's how Mafias were so elite. They were anonymous and lived like wolf in sheep's clothing.

With hesitant steps, I walked towards his frame, standing a total of six feet away from him. I cleared my throat but that didn't get his attention. I now stood awkwardly shuffling about my feet as I waited for his majesty to tell me what I was doing here.

What was I doing here?

After a full forty-five seconds, because I was counting, he threw his cigarette bud down, stepping on it with no care for the environment. He stood up to his very tall frame, causing me to crane my neck.

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