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The devil doesn't come to you with a red face and horns,
He comes to you disguised as everything you've ever wanted
{Oscar Auliq-ice}

With each word he let out of that sinful mouth the more I sat at the edge of my seat.

"The night my men spotted you, spying on them wasn't supposed to happen" he began, getting up and walking towards the window. It was clearly dark outside, so it didn't make sense for him to stand there overlooking the oblivion. His fingers occasionally brushed against the bud of the cigarette, small specks of ash falling down.

"You were supposed to die, along with your family friend, Lameesa Mukhtar. But my men at that moment had other priorities, such as taking the child that they were carrying safe" he glanced back at me, willing me to recall that indeed those men were holding a child on their arms. But what shook me more was how much this man before me knew of my life and those around me. Lameesa. Mukhtar. Family Friend.

"Now don't look so surprised, my sweet girl" he exhaled the smoke, smirking.

"There's a reason why I'm the Mafia lord. I didn't make my way up to power by mere intimidation. This isn't a life for everyone. If you're smart and know what you want you'll eventually succeed, but, if you're stupid and act on your emotions, you can only go so far" nodding, I let out a gulp, which sounded almost too loud in the eery quiet. Was he talking about me in the final statement? Because I for one was that person described as acting on my emotions.

" S-so what changed? Why didn't you end up killing us?" I found myself whispering the words without so much as a thought. I glanced at his back, not being able to tell with the way he stood whether he was expecting that question, but one thing was for sure, I'd get my answers tonight.

"Because, some things are meant to be left untouched. Especially what belongs to me" he stated, his voice gruff and almost demanding. Was he angry that I'd ask such a question?

"I cannot say the same for poor Lameesa though. After-all, she was the one who coaxed you into informing the police about that night, no?" I was now met with his waistline, as he came to stand infront of me. Immediately my eyes met his, a low fire burning in them.

"Don't h-harm Lameesa, please. She was the o-one who initially said not to go to the police. Please, I beg you!" I exclaimed feeling helpless. He smirked down at me.

"And if I do choose to save her, what will I get out of this?" His voice took a sharper turn. No longer was he a smirking man. His tone held patience, yet I could detect the underlying threat behind his words. I'd have to offer something good in order to spare Lameesa's life.

"Our silence?" It came out like more of a question than a statement. He chuckled but there was nothing funny about it. It was dark and sinister. Goosebumps erupted across my body, as I witnessed his head falling back into place, all traces of laughter vanishing from his visage.

"Try again"

"What do you mean? I don't have anything else to offer you" I frowned.

"Oh but you do, love" his eyes roamed my body, until they landed on my left hand. In this moment, I was thankful I had on my doctor's uniform along with a large coat to shield me from the cold. Buy now, to also shield me from the demons piercing gaze.

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