⭒42 ⭒

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We try to hide our feelings, but we forget
Our eyes can speak.

I looked at him petrified.

His rough hand clasped around my jaw, squeezing it enough to make me recontemplate my actions, but not enough to completely kill me.

His eyes held an anger which I didn't know he possessed until now. I thought he was angry before, but right now, he was livid, incensed. His eyes burned with passion, a fire enough to burn down an entire forest, enough to cause a massacre.

I looked on with terrified eyes, into his own hauntingly treterous ones. They promised something dark as a vicious grin took over his features. His hands switched position, as now his thumb caressed my jaw, leaving lightening in it's wake.

I tried to free my jaw from his hold, but the grip only tightened. "Stop!" I yelled in exasperation. His eyebrows raised, perhaps at my tone of voice. But in the next moment I regretted doing so, as he decided to step closer to me, resulting in me moving even more towards the wall. He saw his victory route and followed along with it, leaving no space between us.

"Do you really mean that, my love" he rasped out, his eyes occasionally trailing along the path of his thumb, which seemed to be getting closer to my lips. I tilted my head to the side, not wanting him to touch me so intimately. We weren't even married, who did he think he was!

"Get away from me mmm" my pleas were cut off with a prompt trap of his fingers. They clasped my lips together, making it hard for me to say anything.

"Shhh, my love. To be honest, I've had a very, very long day" he sighed dejectedly, but I knew better than to think he even had those feelings in him. "And your whining makes it no better. So why don't we go to bed and sleep" did he think I was stupid? That I'll willingly want to stay here, because if so he had another thing coming!

He let go of my lips much to my relief and stepped back. His tall, wide frame loomed over me, as I had to crane my head just to look up at him. He smirked seemingly knowing what I was feeling.

"What do you say, wifey"

"I say for you to stop calling me that!"

His eyebrows raised at my tone of voice, a dangerous glint passing through his eyes. I didn't care anymore that he was much more stronger than me, or that he could kill me right about now. No. I wanted to get away from him and I'd complete all the tricks in the book to do so.

"Listen here my little wife, and listen well. I don't want to keep reminding you whose in charge here because you know, so quit the bullshit. And of course you wouldn't need a reminder to know your families life is in my hands. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and with just a phone call your entire life will crumble before your eyes. So think wisely before you answer my question, dear"

Fear engulfed my senses, my anger long forgotten. Hell, I forgot what I was even angry about as soon as he mentioned my family. This man was dangerous, and I'm sure he had men everywhere to do his dirty work. For me to make it out of this alive, or even with a sane mind, I needed to be smart.

"Okay, I'll stay here" I sighed a deep and sad sigh, not wanting to say those horrid words in the first place. "But I will not sleep in the same bed as you"

"Oh but you will, you see, you don't have a choice in the matter. You never did. And besides, soon enough you'll be needy for me, dare I say yearning for me" I gasped at his use of language.

I'd rather die than ever feel such emotions towards you, you perverted demon!

He stepped forward, seemingly reading my mind, and bent down. He was now eye to eye with me. I looked deeply into those pools of hazel, the brown in them occasionally fighting against the green pigment. It was like a battle between good and bad. I was too deep in the vortex called his eyes to realise his hands encapsulated my waist in them, before he picked me up.

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