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The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,
When a husband and wife look at each other with love,
Allah looks at them with mercy
{Sahih Bukhari 6:19 Tirmidhi}

"Salaam Lameesa, how are you" I answered her call. I hope everything was okay.

"Wa alay-kamus salaam. I'm okay girl. Did you get a break last night? I was so worried you were asked to stay back so suddenly" she said in one breath. "I'm sorry, you can speak now" she exclaimed sheepishly. I can imagine her rubbing her forehead whenever a situation like this appears.

Her question instantly reminded me of the night I tried so hard to forget. "Y-yes Lameesa, stop worrying so much girl" I laughed, hoping it didn't sound fake. Although it probably did since there was nothing to laugh about in the first place.

"Hmm, okay" she hummed in response, dubious of me. "Well I gotta go Laili, so I'll speak to you when you get home?" She questioned, but I felt like it was an order. Something seemed off, but I didn't have any time to waste, especially if I wanted to end the call and stop lying.

"In Sha allah Misa, see you tonight. Salaam" and with that we ended the call.

I went back into the room where Antoinette was placed. Thankfully she looked a lot more better than yesterday, but still a little pale. Her greying hair was fanned out onto the pillow and I couldn't help but think she looked nothing less than an angel.

Suddenly the demons words rang in my ears.

She's been through tougher situations sweetheart. A bullet to the chest is but child play.

What did he mean by such cryptic words? What did I not know about those around me? Was Antoinette who I really thought she was?

I didn't have much time to ponder over these thoughts, as Antoinette's broken voice broke me from my revere. Wait her voice?

I'd never thought I'd hear it again after the scare the demon gave me yesterday.

I immediately stood from the seat, taken aback. Alhamdulillah. I immediately pressed the button to alert a doctor, as I now loomed over her. I held in my breath upon seeing her weak visage.

"A-agua" she rasped out, not being able to speak much. I opened the water bottle and placed it along her lips. With my other hand, I tilted her head up, allowing her to have better access. She rested back once done and with perfect timing, a doctor entered the room.

I excused myself from them, informing Antoinette I would be back to see her later, and that she needs to rest. She nodded weakly as the doctor checked up on her.

I went to my patients room and checked up on them, all the while my mind going back to this morning.

I woke up groggily, seemingly tired to even move my arm above my head. I searched for my phone under my pillow case when finally my hand made contact with the hard exterior.

What? It was only seven am? Deciding I have nothing better to do, I wrapped my hijab around me and went downstairs to get some food. My stomach was growling hungrily. But not before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

Having located the empty kitchen, the fridge begged me to go to it. There were some eggs and a few tortilla wraps. Now that was left was some cheese. Thankfully there was a packet of mozzarella.

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