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You can't go back
and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are
and change the ending

An unknown number messaged me early in the morning. I hadn't received one of these since around Christmas time. It had been two months since then.

I'd ignore it for now. Jimena was my main priority.

I opened my mouth wide along with her, as she ate the food obediently. It wasn't an obedient task to get her to eat initially, pulling a tantrum whenever one of the maids fed her. She wouldn't even allow her father to feed her!

So I stepped in, seeing as no one else's charm was working. Rafael left me to it, as he answered his phone leaving just me, Jimena and the maid present. Thankfully Jimena yielded, staring at me with innocent eyes as she waited for the next spoonful of fruit. She seems to be a huge lover of them, eager for the next mouthful.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her mood, the way she grinned from ear to ear and nod her head side to side whilst eating.

"Careful baby" my smile fell knowing her chewing so fast could lead to choking. She did not stop in the slightest, only wanting to chew more. I frowned.

"Jimena" I said lowly, wanting her to know I wasn't happy with the way she was eating. With wide eyes, she stopped chewing and looked up at me. "Si mama?"

"What did I say, baby. You need to chew slowly, okay? Otherwise bad things can happen" I reprimanded as she nodded to my words, looking sheepish as she now chewed at a slower pace.

Happy, I squished her cheeks, as she emitted an adorable giggle.

"Zoooooom" I made aeroplane noises, bringing the food closer to her mouth, but she was too impatient and grabbed my wrist in her chubby hands, practically feeding herself. A chuckle reverberated through my chest. I felt as if I was on the moon. Overjoyed.

But instantly, my mood dampened just as fast, guilt overtaking my heart.

I was doing the right thing wasn't I?

That question alone rendered me depressed. I'd have to continue on with this life I chose for myself. If only that night did not happen. Where I stumbled upon the Mafias path. Where I was introduced to the world of.. nevermind. I would not think about that yet.

The clearing of a throat rattled me from my thoughts. Jimena moved about the high chair in delight upon seeing her father. He smiled from ear to ear, looking down at her outstretched arms. Clad in his suit, he stalked forward looking dashingly handsome.

I averted my gaze to the bowl before me, swirling about the content with the plastic spoon. Gosh, why did I have to go red at this moment. The entirety of my blood travelled to my face.

"Hola mi amor, como estas?" Asked Rafael, pecking Jimena's cheeks as she giggled. His face was in between her chubby fingers, as she pried him away from herself.

"Papa!" She gasped in between laughs, as Rafael attacked her neck, tickling her. "Basta" I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. They looked like a true family. All that Rafael told me was not what I expected, but I'm glad Jimena had someone like Rafael as her father. I could tell they adored each other very much.

But what about this troubling feeling In the pit of my stomach. Why was I feeling so grave about such a wonderful moment. Ya Allah, please don't take my happiness away from me. After I'd only just begun to cherish it. I'd made a mistake, my lord, surely you can do something and change that.

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